Worries And Struggles

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I started to worry more,why is he taking so long just to take stuff out of the car?! I unlocked my phone to check the time,"8:20,"it read.At 8:30 we would be served,I texted Jungkook asking him what was he doing so long.I waited for an immediate response but got none,he would always text me back right away after I sent a text.That's strange.I got off the sofa and went outside to the direction where his his car was parked.

All the doors were closed,he was nowhere in sight.I looked around to see if he was anywhere near,he wasn't.My heart beated 'faster than the speed of light',where is he?! I thought for a minute,is be just pranking me,he loves to do so! I swear I'll kill him if he was,just then,I spotted a white van driving around the corner crazily fast.Since the vehicle was not to far away from me,I saw something fell out the passenger's window.

I ran up to it quickly and grabbed it.I yelled after the people in the van,"Wait up!" No one heard me since they didn't turn back or responded,someone just lost their phone! The device and it's black case looked very familiar,I pressed the power button to turn the phone down on.My eyes widened in shock as I saw the wallpaper,a picture of Jeongsan and I.This is Jungkook's phone! What was that doing in that van?! Is Jungkook inside?!

I got up and ran after the van 'as fast as my legs could've carry me'."Jungkook!"I yelled as the top of my lungs.Suddenly,my ankle twisted as I tripped on a rock,causing me to fall to the hard,pitch ground.I cursed under my breath and panted as I slowly tried to get up.Carefully I got up,holding my bleeding ankle,but I fell down due to a hit on my head.I turned around to see someone hit my with a piece of wood again.I held my head in pain and fell to the ground,soon I knocked out unconscious.

I woke up,slowing opening my eyes,they took a bit of time to adjust to the darkness of the room.Where am I? Holding my injured head,I tried to got up but my try failed.I looked down to see myself tied with rope to a half dilapidated chair."This is not what I think it is."I said breathing heavily.I moved myself around trying to get the ropes off my body but it tied to tightly.My eyes scanned the room,in the corner,I saw a few men kicking and punching another man who lay on the ground,looking more dead than alive.My mouth 'dropped the floor' my 'skipped a beat', and tears welled up in my eyes as I recognized the person who was being beaten badly.

I attempted to scream but the duck tape that was stuck to my mouth, stopped me from doing so.Struggling,I moved my mouth to try to get the tape off.After failing many times,it finally came off."LEAVE MY HUSBAND ALONE!"I screamed loudly.They ignored me and continued kicking his abdomen,he coughed blood as he took all the pain.He was helpless and groaned in pain,he couldn't fight back,his face looked tired.I myself am helpless,what can I do?! Tears streamed down my face as I watched him get beat,I shouted,"I SAID LEAVE-before I could've complete my sentence,a well toned man ran up to me and covered my mouth with his filty hand.

My blood boiled,I bit his hand hard to get it off my mouth.He quickly took it off and showed a little bit of anger but it changed.The tattooed man passed his hand on my right leg,"Don't dare touch me,get your disgusting hands off."I said sternly as I threw him a death glare."Or else."he smirked."Or else you'll regret every sh*t you've done in your life."I said bravely. He laughed devilishly,I looked down and saw a shiny object sticking out the man's pocket,a knife."Come on little one."he smirked."Why don't you?"I smiled seductively.The sick man came closer to me,"Untie me won't you?"I pouted."Will you run away princess?"he smirked.I shook my head from side to side and he untied me.

Once I was free,I put my hands around the man.I dug in his pocket and carefully took out the weapon,hoping he won't notice,he didn't.I took my hands off and faked a smile,so did him.Slowly,before running away,I threw the knife at the sicko,I heard him curse,that's how I knew it left damage."God please forgive me."I said as tears rolled down my cheek.I ran to a weak Jungkook and immediately fell to the ground,"Jungkook can you hear me?!"I asked while I shook his shoulders.I could feel hands pulling me away,I grabbed the nearest thing on the floor and hit the men with the piece of wood that had multiple nails on it.

"Jungkook,babe,look at me."I cried as I held his hand."B-babe,f-find an e-exit and l-leave."he stuttered as he struggled to keep his eyes open."Okay,please,use all your strength and try to get up."I begged as I attempted to lift him up."N-no,you g-go."he said as his voice cracked in between."Jungkook I'm not leaving here without you I'm not gonna watch you suffer anymore!"I cried and caressed his hair.Using all his strength,he tried to get up with my help."Are you okay,did those sickos do anything to you?"he asked.I told him 'no' while I wiped his lips that had blood on it,with me thumb.I hugged him and then put my arm around his neck to give him support as we searched for a way our this hell.

Just then,we heard the clicking of heels making their way towards us."Stop."a voice said.I tried to recongnise the person but due to the darkness,I couldn't.

Author's note
Omg,who came in the room?! I'm sorry for a short chapter today but the next one shall be long.What will the future hold for these two?! Saranghae❤

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