Don't Leave Me

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Jungkook's POV
Before I could have hugged her,the doctor came to see what happened.He calmed her down became she was breathing heavily,he put an oxygen mask over her face and told her to lay back.She took deep breaths and listened to him."She's a lucky person,she woke up from the coma,miracles don't happen everyday."the doctor whispered."I'll leave you two alone,make sure she gets rest okay."he informed,I nodded and smiled.I ran my hands through my brown hair and sat on the chair next to her bed.I looked straight into her soul,she did the same,we stayed like this for a while.I broke eye contact with her and buried my head in my black hoodie.

"Jungkook."she whispered.Immediately,I shot up and happiness filled me.I stood in front her,she opened her arms.I dived into her embrace and held her close to me body."Jungkook,I'm sorry."she whispered.I caressed her hair and kissed her forehead."Jung-I cut her off,"Shhhh,can we stay like this for a while?"I asked.She nodded and tightened the hug.I missed these moments..."I'm so happy you woke up,don't leave me."I cried."I love you."we said in sync.She broke the hug and looked at me,"I'm sorry Jungkook,for everything."she sniffled."No,I'm sorry,I found out the truth,I regret everything,let's just forget the past,we only got one life to life,let's enjoy it,please forgive me."I cried."I forgive you,I did a long time ago,don't ever leave me again,do you know how hard life was without you?!"she laughed and wiped my tears.

"I'm sorry,I know,I didn't have you for three entire years either,it was tough,I had no one to call 'baby',no one to say 'I love you' to,no one to cuddle with,to laugh with,to smile with,I couldn't sleep properly for all these years,I didn't know where you were,what your condition was,you were pregnant too,I was so worried,Kristin,I'm really sorry from the bottom of my heart,I will never let this happen again,I will always believe you not matter the situation,I will always love and trust you,I can't live without you, you're my everything,my life,I love you Kim Kristin."I said truthfully.I was finally elated that I got that 'off of my chest'. "I love you."Kristin said as she hugged me once more.I didn't expect her hug though,instead,I cupped her cheek and kissed her passionately.I haven't tasted her soft lips in years,I missed it... She deepened the lustful kiss,her arms wrapped around my neck as my hands travelled down her waist and wrapped around it.

I broke the kiss and spoke,"You should be getting rest." She nodded and I got off the bed."Jungkook."she called my name.I turned around and she grabbed my wrist,"I said don't leave me."she smiled.I smiled crazily and laid next to her on the bed.Suddenly,she jumped up and looked around the room."Where's Jeongsan?!"she panicked."Calm down,he's with Jimin hyung."I informed and gently lowered her to lie again on the bed.She smiled and closed her eyes,my day has been made.

Thank God,if anything had happen to her,I was sure that I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.I'm beyond thankful that a miracle occurred,who knows what would've happened if a miracle didn't take place! I'm not gonna mess up this time,I'm gonna give her all the happiness in the world,she deserves it.I've waited for her for 3 years,now I've got her,I don't wanna lose her...I let go of my thoughts and kissed her on her cheek before getting off the bed.I stared at her and watched her as she slept peacefully.I decided to call Mr.Bang to update him on Kristin's condition.Ms.Kim and him were so happy and thankful.
End of Jungkook's POV

*Time skip,1 week later*

Jungkook's POV
"She can be discharged today!"the doctor said excitingly,I hugged Kristin happily.The door flew open,cheering filled the room."My baby!"Ms.Kim ran up to Kristin and hugged her tightly.Everyone was happy that she was finally being discharged.They showered her with chocolates and a lovely bouquet of multi-coloured roses."Eomma!"Jeongsan yelled as he ran up to her.She lifted him up and hugged him tightly,"My little Jeongsan,how have you been?"she asked."I missed my eomma,how are you feeling now?"my son questioned.Kristin said she felt better after putting him down.I held her hand and we all walked out of the room,to head to Kristin's house.

When we were walking down the corridor, Jeongsan kept screaming,"My eomma is getting discharged today!"He was so happy,his bunny smile makes my day.I was going to get closer to Kristin but someone squeezed between us."I wanna be with my eomma,I missed her!"he yelled.He held our hands as we walked down the corridor and into the car.

A few minutes later,we arrived at her house."This is where I stayed when I had no where to go."Kristin told everyone."I'm sorry you had to go through so much by yourself hunny,her mother spoke,go change I'll make something for everyone." She nodded and she went upstairs,I followed her.I closed the door behind me and pulled her closer to me."I missed you so much,your scent,you smile,your laugh,your craziness,your eyes,your lips,your everything."I said.She laughed,"You have them now." I laughed and pulled her waist towards mine,our noses touched.I cupped her cheeks and kissed her slowly.As we were about to deepen the kiss,someone shouted at me.

"Uncle what are you doing to my eomma?!"Jeongsan yelled as he took my hands off of her.Kristin laughed as he carried her downstairs.My son's really protective,he doesn't want anything to happen to his eomma.I laughed then went downstairs.

A savoury smell filled the dining room as we sat by the table.I was about to sit next to Kristin but Jeongsan did,I sat next to him instead of Kristin."Appa,Uncle was in my eomma's room!"he exclaimed to Jimin hyung.Oh my goodness! I felt so embarrassed since my hyungs,Mr.Bang and Ms.Kim heard that.They all started laughing,Kristin was too,that brought a smile to my face."Jeongsan,I love your Uncle."Kristin said shyly as she fed him a spoon of rice."What,so is he my appa?!"his eyes widened.Kristin nodded and Jeongsan looked at me with a sad face."I'm sorry,I thought he was my appa because he was always there with us,you weren't."he said.My heart ached by hearing his true words.I was speechless,I looked and Kristin,she exclaimed,"Well your real appa is here now!" I smiled and continued to eat my food.After we were all finished,everyone went home expect me,I wanted to stay with Kristin,I had to.
End of Jungkook's POV

Kristin's POV
Jeongsan and Jungkook came to my room,Jungkook rolled onto the bed."Appa,get off our bed!"Jeongsan yelled."Jeongsan,you need to be nice to him,okay!"I informed and laughed.He mocked me and yelled 'appa' again."Jungkook,he's calling you."I laughed.He hasn't gotten accustomed to his name yet! He groaned and shifted his attention to our son."May I sleep here tonight?"Jungkook asked."Only for tonight,I don't want to share my eomma with you!"he pouted.I laughed hysterically and we all got on the bed and positioned ourselves to sleep.

I turned off the lights and and turned the air condition on.Jeongsan was between Jungkook and I,he quickly fell asleep."Goodnight baby."Jungkook whispered to me.I said goodnight back and stretched to kiss me on my forehead."Sleep well."I told him."I'm with you so of course I will."he smiled.I blushed and looked at the ceiling.

Everything happens for a reason,after sadness happiness came back to me.I'm so happy right now,my two babies beside me,our little family I couldn't ask for anything more,I'm so thankful.We'll start life afresh,as parents.Memories from years ago cane back to me."We're gonna be the best parents ever!"Jungkook shouted.Yes we are,we surely will be.
End of Kristin's POV

Author's note
Hey everyone!I'm sorry for updating later than usual these days! How do you think this story will end?! Continue reading to find out!❤

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