All My Fault?!

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The sunlight that peaked through the purple curtains radiantly shone onto my face.I gave out a big,long yawn and covered my face with my pillow."Nice,you forgot to close my windows."I said to myself.I forced myself to get out of bed then I went to the bathroom and did my usual stuff.

After we ate,we made our way to BigHit Entertainment and when we arrived,we went to the third floor.I entered BTS' practice room with a big smile but it immediately faded because of what I saw next.
BTS were nowhere to be seen."Hm, they're probably busy."I said.

I exited the room and started searching for BTS.I saw a staff member walking on the corridor so I decided to stop and ask her if she saw BTS.I bowed to her and asked my question.She said to follow her so I did.She led me to a room labelled room number 97.She opened the door for me and I saw something that made my eyes open 'bigger than an owl's eyes'.

My mother was helping BTS put on black suits,I didn't know what for but all I knew was that Jungkook looked extra fine in it.I feel I'm falling for this prince...

"Ma'am will you come in?"a staff asked me.I snapped back into reality and realized that I was still in front of the door.I then walked into the room and bowed to everyone inside the spacious room and said,"Good morning." "Good morning!"Jimin shouted excitedly.I ignored him,my eyes still glued to Jungkook.Jimin repeated his words.I shifted my attention to him smiled and replied 'good morning'."Who's getting married?"I laughed hysterically."Jimin weds Kristin."Jimin said.Everyone laughed crazily except Jungkook and I. I saw Jungkook giving Jimin a death glare,well he's jealous!I laughed to myself.

"Stop joking,why are you trying on suits?"I asked confused."For our fans' special stage on Sunday."Seokjin said as my mother helped him put his shiny blazar on."Amazing,I'll surely attend."I said."Time for the photoshoot."a photographer said to BTS.They changed in another room into fancier clothing then came to start the photoshoot.

The theme seemed like Valentine's day but it was the last few days in August.My birthday was in a few days,I'll finally become an adult!The photoshoot was a very beautiful one,all those hearts and of course,seven handsome men.It was Jimin's turn to take pictures.I watched as he posed for the camera.He held a giant,red cut out heart and held it against his chest while he looked at me and pointed at it."Ugh, I'm not interested!"I laughed in my mind.He's cute but my heart just says 'no'.

After Jimin was Jungkook's turn.The staff carefully put him on a swing that was attached to the ceiling.He did a few serious poses,my heart exploded,he's so handsome...When he was finished he looked at me and smile brightly.My heart fluttered...what is this feeling?I sweetly smile back at him.When he was about to get off the swing,he lost balance and fell hard to the ground."JUNGKOOK!"I yelled in disbelief.

"AH!he screamed in pain as I heard the cracking of his bones.Quickly,I ran and helped the staff pick him up,then I bought a chair for him to sit on.We helped him get on the chair as he groaned in pain and whispered,"My hand."I could feel tears filling up my eyes,it was all my fault."Call the doctor!"Uncle Bang said as he rushed into the room."Faster than I did anything else in my life',I dialed my doctor's phone number.I told him the situation and the address of BigHit's building and he said he was on his way."Don't worry,the doctor will be here shortly."I said to Jungkook while rubbing the palm of his right hand slowly.

Finally,the doctor came with a portable X-ray machine.(yes that exists)He did an X-ray on Jungkook's hand to make sure no bones were broken."How is his hand doctor?!" I asked worriedly."He's very lucky he hasn't broken any bones, please be careful next time."the doctor said concerned.We all took a sigh of relief.We bowed to the doctor and thanked him as he was leaving.Uncle Bang told Jungkook to go to the practice room and take a break.I followed Jungkook into the room to apologise to him.

He opened the door and the door atomatically closed by itself but I held it in time before it fully closed."Ah!"I yelled as it hit my forehead."Oh my goodness,I'm so sorry,I didn't see you there!"Jungkook said while rubbing my forehead softly and slowly.He then held my hand and carried me to a chair.

As soon as we sat,I spoke,"I'm so sorry for making you fall,I'm so stupid."I said sadly."Why are you apologising,I should be the one doing that,besides,you didn't look at me first,I did,I was distracted by your beauty."Jungkook said while smirking."I laughed and enquired,"What beauty?"He laughed and said,"You,are are the beauty, I'm the beast." We laughed together,"I wish," I thought to myself.

"Hmm,so am I making you fall for me?"Jungkook said while smirking."What?!"I shouted."Don't pretend Kristin,I know your feelings."he said seriously."If you love me why are you so close to Jimin?"he continued."I-i d-don't k-know."I stuttered."Oh,so you do love me!"he laughed happily."Yah!"I said while hitting him playfully on the back.

Time quickly passed as we enjoyed each other's company,he had me laughing like crazy.The door flew open revealing six tired men."What's going on here,your Uncle is waiting for you since 6 p.m."Namjoon said.I quickly unlocked my phone and looked at the time,6:45 p.m!Well done Kristin,I said to myself.

Then,I waved BTS goodbye and made my way to the car.I apologised to Uncle Bang for coming late to the car,he just nodded.Throughout the car ride,I was smiling so brightly,I didn't know why.Finally,we arrived home,I received a text message.As I made my way to my room,I unlocked my phone and opened the message.

Jungkook: Goodnight,I hope your forehead is okay now.

Me: Goodnight,it is,how is your hand?

Jungkook: It's okay.Please don't forget about the special stage we're having Sunday,make sure to attend!

Me:How can I forget? I'll surely attend.

Jungkook: Great,sleep well<3

Me: You too<3

Kristin's POV
OMG WHAT AM I DOING?! I asked myself.This is the second time I sent Jungkook a heart emoji,but this time I meant it.WhAt?!I left out a soft sigh as I felt myself blushing.But he sent it first though,I continued.Ah what am I thinking, I'm sure he's just trying to make me laugh like earlier on.I cleared my mind and fell asleep.
End of Kristin's POV

Jungkook's POV
I sent her a heart emoji to see what she'd do.She did the same,is she just kidding or.... I was so confused but elated at the same time.I smiled to myself and tried to fall asleep...I couldn't...I couldn't stop thinking about how she said she loved me today.Is she kidding or...Does she really love me or... Sigh,she probably doesn't,I can clearly see Jimin in written on her heart.I closed my eyes and forgot about everything.Tomorrow's the day,yes tomorrow...

Author's note
Hello everyone and thank you for reading my fanfic so far,I hope you continue to! Thank you so much for 200+ plus reads!I love and appreciate it guys,saranghae❤

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