Our Birthday

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I woke up excited,it was the day that Jungkook and I was born.I willingly got up from bed and put Jungkook's gifts into a gold colored gift bag.I neatly wrote,'To:Mine','From:Yours',on the gift tag with a black permanent marker.

I went into my bathroom and did my morning routine.I wore something beautiful and applied some light makeup.I left the room with his gift.When I opened the door,I saw him in front of it.He quickly pulled me inside and pinned me to the door.

"Happy birthday Kristin!"he said as he pulled me into a deep kiss.I could feel him smirking during the kiss,his hands reached my hips. Minutes later,I broke the kiss and gave him a warm hug,"Happy birthday my prince!"I excitedly exclaimed as I gave him his gift.He smiled and took the bag from my hand and put it on his bed.He took out a small bag and handed me it,"Open it."he said.I opened the bag and I was 'filled with joy'."Awe thanks baby,I love it!"I said while taking out the heart shaped,gold necklace out of its tiny box.Jungkook took the necklace out of my hands and put it around my neck.He moved my hair from the back to the side and closed the clasp."Thank you."I smiled as I stroked my hand through his hair.He smirked and held my hand as we went downstairs for our birthday breakfast.

"Where's everyone?"we asked in sync.We looked around but we couldn't spot anyone.We shrugged our shoulders,then,we heard a loud sound."Happy birthday!"they shouted as they popped a party popper.I got afraid,I hugged Jungkook,everyone started laughing.I looked to the direction of the sound and saw my mother,Uncle Bang and the rest of the BTS members coming out of their unnoticeable hiding spots."Are you okay honey?"my mother laughed.Immediately,I broke the hug, faked a laugh and nodded positively.

Everyone wished us a happy birthday,we thanked them."Birthday breakfast is served!"one of the maids shouted from the dining room.We all made our way to the table and sat.Our eyes widened as we saw the delicious breakfast that was neatly plated on the dishes.I dug into my eggs and bacon,I could feel Jungkook staring at me.

Jungkook's POV
She looks so stunning today,she always looks breath taking but ahhhh...I couldn't take my eyes off her,I can't control myself...I was tempted to feed her,but everyone was around.I was not afraid to do it but we had to keep our relationship a secret until we have the courage to tell Mr.Bang and her mother.
End of Jungkook's POV

I was finished with my breakfast.My mother told me that she was going to buy some stuff for tonight.I nodded and headed upstairs.Jungkook held my waist and pulled me closer to him as we made our way to his room."Heyyy,not here!"Yoongi oppa laughed,we laughed nervously.Instead of taking his hand off my waist, Jungkook held me tighter."So where do you guys wanna go today?"Namjoon oppa asked."No where,we're gonna stay home and do stuff."Jungkook said annoyed.

"You all have to go out because we're having a surprise for you and you need to get out of the house."Namjoon oppa said."Just me and her?"Jungkook questioned."Yeah,we need to help Kristin's mother with stuff."Hoseok oppa said.Jungkook's frown turned upside down.He grabbed my hand and led me to my room.

"Get ready fast,I'm taking you to a new place."Jungkook said.I changed into the short,black dress that Jungkook picked out for me yesterday.I paired it with some black makeup and black accessories.I left the room and waited outside Jungkook's room.The door opened revealing a speechless Jungkook,he wore the shirt and Timberlands I bought him."I told you you'd looked amazing in that,you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."he smirked and went downstairs.

We went to his car and being the gentleman he is,he opened the car door for me."Let's take a selfie!"I requested.I waited until the car stopped by a red traffic light,then I took the picture.He looked into the camera and smiled,I took the picture.I smiled,he smiled back and shifted his attention to the road.Soon,we arrived at our destination.

"What's this place?"I asked in confusion."It's a place for cute couples like us."he smiled and held my hand as we walked into the crowded place that was filled with couples."Let's take more pictures!"Jungkook exclaimed as he dragged me to a photo booth.We sat and made some romantic poses,we took many pictures."Whenever I'm at work and you miss me,just look at these."he smiled and handed me the pictures.I carefully put them into my white purse and came out of the booth.

We did so many fun activities at that couples place.I enjoyed my birthday,with the person I loved the most,Jeon Jungkook.We had to be home for 6 p.m."I really enjoyed today baby,thanks for everything."I happily said."The day isn't over yet,we still have tonight."he smirked while looking at me then back to the road.I smiled and in a few minutes,we arrived home.

We came out of the car and went into the house.The lights were off,what is happening? The lights then turned on revealing a nicely decorated living room.There was a 'happy birthday' banner hung over the fire place and colourful balloons scattered everywhere on the tiled floor.A delicious cheesecake sat in the center of the table,it captured my attention.Suddenly, everyone started singing the happy birthday song,it brought huge smiles to our faces.My mother then led Jungkook and I to the table."Is it okay if you cut the cake with Jungkook?"she asked,I nodded positively,it was more than okay.

Every year I would cut it would my mother,but this year,I'll cut it with my boyfriend.'Happiness filled my body' as Jungkook's soft hand touched mine,we were about to cut the cake.His eyes screamed,'I love you'.I couldn't express this feeling,the feeling of love.He sliced the cake and stuck a metal fork into it and fed me."Happy birthday Kristin,I love you."he mouthed.I smiled and took a piece for cake and put it into his mouth."Happy birthday,I love you more."I mouthed back to him.

Jungkook's POV
I love this girl dearly...I've never loved someone so much before...She just gives me so much happiness...I wish to be with her,forever and ever and ever...Until death do us apart...May we always be together...In all our lives... I love you Kristin...

End of Jungkook's POV

"Happy birthday!"everyone shouted as they finished the last few words of the song.Jungkook and I smiled at each other,then my mother spoke,"Where did you guys go?" "Oh we went out with my friends to watch a movie."I lied.My mother smiled and we all sat on the couch and talked for a bit.After a while,everyone finally got tired of talking and said goodnight to each other and went to bed.Jungkook and I made our way upstairs.

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