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I sat in the corner and 'cried my eyes out' until I fell asleep.

~The next day~
Rays of sunlight streamed down as I blinked my eyes.I woke up with my clothing wet,it was drenched in tears.I rubbed my eyes and sighed loudly,I looked around and saw a policewoman,she approached my cell and opened the gate."You'll be eating outside."she said coldly.I had no appetite,how could I eat?! The other girl and I went outside and joined the other women outside.We stood in a que and was then was led to several large tables.I sat and put my head on the table,suddenly everyone began laughing.I didn't care what they were laughing about,then someone touched my hand.I looked up,a girl spoke,"She's crying,your boyfriend left you?!"she laughed crazily.I rolled my eyes and held back my tears then put my head back on the table."Aren't you gonna eat,money will be wasted if you don't,you better eat!"the distributer of the food shouted.I lifted my head off the table and took my tray.I stared at the food that filled the tray,I couldn't eat,but I had to...for the sake of my child...I ate two spoonfuls of rice and joined the que that the women formed after they we were finished eating.Unexpextedly,someome grabbed my hand,I gasped.I look up to see a police officer,he stared and me from top to bottom and licked his lips.He slammed me to the wall,his hands travelled to my upper body."What are you doing,leave me alone!"I cried while trying to push him off."What a beauty."he smirked.In frustration,I bit his hand and kicked him in his stomach.I ran away from the man 'as fast as my legs could've carried me' and rejoined the line.I sat back in my cell and cried.
Why does these kind of stuff happen to me?

Sexual assault.

Suicidal thoughts.


And the list goes on and on...

I took out the picture that Jungkook and I took at the couples' place and looked at it."I miss you,I'm really sorry,I'm an idiot,when will I meet you again,I love you."I weeped.

Jungkook's POV
It was the day...the day we all had to wear black and white,it was my mother's funeral.I still can't comprehend what happened and why.I put on my black tuxedo and shoes.Then,my hyungs and I and made our way to the car,our destination,the cemetery.The media were everywhere,gathering videos and information of what was happening."We are coming to you live from the funeral of a famous kpop idol,Jeon Jungkook's,mother,who was alledgedly murdered by his girlfriend,it may be true or it may be false."a reporter spoke.I sighed and made my way to my mother's coffin.She laid there peacefully,dressed all in white,I couldn't control my tears.Soon,it was time for her to be buried.Tears streamed down my face as she was being buried into the ground,Jimin hyung patted my back.Why?!Why is life like this?!
End of Jungkook's POV

I hugged my knees until I heard something that made me shot up."We are coming to you live from the funeral of a famous kpop idol,Jeon Jungkook's mother,who was alledgedly murdered by his girlfriend,it may be true or it may be false."someone spoke.I quickly looked up and saw the news being shown live on the television that I could see from my cell.I saw Jungkook and the members with sad and crying faces.I cried even harder,I can't see Jungkook crying or unhappy.I covered my ears and my eyes,I couldn't take it anymore.I needed to comfort Jungkook,I'll do whatever it takes to meet him this very moment.Jimin oppa,where are you,I need your help!

Jimin's POV
We came back from Mrs.Jeon's funeral,Jungkook was completely destroyed.He wouldn't eat or drink anything even if we forced him to,he was still in shock because of that sudden incident.Since everyone was in their rooms,I knew this was a great opportunity to get Kristin out of jail.It wasn't a good time to leave Jungkook alone but I had to do what was right,I don't want an innocent soul to suffer in jail.
End of Jimin's POV

I woke up when I heard someone shout at me.A policeman was opening the gates,"You,you've gotten bail."he spoke."Me,bail?!"I shouted,I 'couldn't believe my ears.He nodded and signalled for me to get out of the cell."Who got me bailed and how?!"I questioned myself.I walked swiftly towards the person who the officer said got me bailed,the person looked familiar.When the man was finished signing a few documents,he turned around.I ran up to him and hugged him tightly,"Jimin oppa!"I shouted as I 'squeezed the life out of him'."T-thank you so much,but how did you get me out of here?"I asked."Don't worry about that,I'm sure you haven't eaten,let's go."he said."Where are we going?"I asked as I wiped my tears."I rented a hotel room for you so you'll stay there for the night and we'll figure where you'll live after."oppa informed.I nodded and he led me to the car."How's Jungkook,has he eaten?!"I asked worriedly as we sat in the BMW."No he hasn't,he's still in a state of shock."he sighed.I could feel tears filling my eyes but crying was no use,I hid my tears and the rest of the drive was 'silent like the night'.Jimin oppa stopped at a fast food restaurant to buy me something to satisfy my hunger and then he drove to the hotel.When we arrived,he helped me take out my luggage and handed me the box of food."How can I repay you Jimin,thank you for everything!"I cried."Simple,just don't worry,it's not good for your health,I'll try to make Jungkook understand the truth."he smiled warmly."If you need anything,call me,I'll come right away."he told me.I nodded and smiled and went inside the hotel.I got my keys and went to my room.I laid flat onto the small bed and sighed loudly.

Kristin's POV
I'm so thankful Jimin oppa bailed me out of jail.I'm out of hell but I'm really worried about Jungkook,I don't care if he hates me,I know I'll always love him.I just want him to be happy and stress free,it was all my fault.In life they'll always be problems but they don't last forever,I just want this time to end.I really don't know what my future will look like.
End of Kristin's POV

I let loose of those thoughts and decided to eat,I didn't want to but for the sake of my child,I did.After I ate I fell fast asleep,I was tired,tired of what life threw at me.

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