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I was sat at home helping my 9 year old brother Charlie, and my 11 year old sister Tatiana get ready for the annual chosen one ceremony. I hated this. It was so patronising. Just because Colby was an all powerful vampire doesn't mean he can feed on the good people of the world. The alarm rang and I grabbed their hands.

"I don't want to go Phoenix" Charlie said, pulling on my hand.

"You'll be fine Char. I won't let that mean man hurt either of you" I said, as we walked to go say goodbye to Mom and Dad.

"Kids, behave for us please" Mom said, hugging them both.

"We will Mommy" Charlie said, as he hugged Dad.

"Kids, can you go wait outside?" I asked, pushing them to the front door.

They went back outside and I went to talk to Mom and Dad.

"Ok if they get chosen I am going to volunteer myself in. And when they come back, you need to take care of them" I said, hugging them both.

"We will honey. We are so proud of you" Dad said, kissing my head.

"I love you" I said, leaving.

I grabbed Charlie and Tati's hands. I walked them to the ceremony line and they had to be registered. They went to the other side where the kids were. He usually fed off the small kids. Just because their blood was more fresh, that's what worried.

"Welcome, my rightful subjects. Today, I have pre chosen a boy and a girl to join me. From the boys, we have Kyle Hudson, and from the girls, Tatiana Hilton" Colby said, as my heart dropped.

I saw Tati crying as Colby's two guards grabbed her. I pushed through the crowd and ducked underneath the red velvet rope.

"No, get of her!" I yelled, as I ran to them.

Two guards grabbed me.

"Get off me" I said, growling slightly at them.

I ran over to Colby. One of the guards grabbed and hissed at me.

"Let her go!" Colby said, casually.

He threw me towards Colby roughly. I could feel his glare.

"Take me instead of her. I beg of you. She's my little sister, you can't hurt her" I said, grabbing Tati off the guards.

"Fine. Run off little girl" he said, as he grabbed my arm.

He stared at me deeply in my eyes as I started to drift off.

"Choose 10 people to feed off. Not the relatives of the two chosen please Sam and Aaron" he said, as I felt myself being whipped off through the castle.

I was laid down on a bed and I opened my eyes.

Colby walked in and laid a girl on the bed. She was nothing like Tatiana though. She was older. Her hair a familiar brown. He slammed the door and I ran over to the girl. I sat on the bed and rolled her over. She opened her eyes and I immediately knew who it was.

"Phoenix!" I shouted hugging her tightly.

"Kyle!" She said hugging me straight back.

"What are you doing here? I thought Tati was supposed to be here?" I asked as she sat up.

"You really think Id let that physcopath of a vampire take Tati? No way" she said as I stood up.

"Nix you could have survived" I said sighing.

Liar Liar- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now