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I was sat at the desk in me and Kyle's room. Kyle was knocked out asleep and I was writing one of my diary entries. There was a soft knock at the door. Kyle stirred in his sleep as I crept over to the door. I cracked it open and saw Brennen, Kyra, Sam, Kat, Devyn, and Corey.

"What's up you guys?" I asked whispering.

"You wanna go hunting?" Brennen asked smiling.

"Yeah. Oh my god. I haven't been out of the castle grounds in ages. Let me just grab some more suitable clothes" I said shutting the door.

I got changed really quickly and slid through the small crack in the door. I locked the door and smiled at the boys.

"Shh. Colby's still asleep, he doesn't know we're taking you out hunting" Corey said smiling.

We all crept out the door and ran to the woods. I smiled as I caught a glimpse of my house. I smiled as I saw Mom and Dad putting Tati and Charlie into bed. I ducked so they wouldn't see me. We ran through the trees. We all fed on a deer. I had the meat of course whilst they had the blood. The blood was disgusting to me but they couldn't get enough of it.

"You guys want some?" I asked holding out my wrist.

They all took some of my blood and they loved it. I could tell from the sparkly glint in their eyes.

"So, how did you guys meet Colby?" I asked smiling.

"Sam you start" Corey said wiping the corners of his mouth.

"Well I met Colby at band camp. We both liked the same girl. We went to the same high school. We were the most awkward people. We always used to go to the local mall to talk to girls. The amount of times we got rejected" he said, laughing.

"Sounds like so much fun. Brennen what about you?" I asked passing him some more extracted deer blood.

They all individually told me how they met Colby. It sounds like they had so much fun. I wish I could see Colby have that side of him. I was feeding on the deer more when I heard footsteps. I looked and saw my little brother Charlie.

"Nixie?" He asked gulping.

Corey hissed and he took a scared step back.

"No it's ok. Corey he's my brother" I said looking at Corey.

I stood up and walked over to Charlie. He looked at me strangely.

"Are you ok? Nixie what's happened to you?" He asked holding my face.

"Nothing Char. Why are you out here?" I asked hugging him.

"I saw you. I wanted to see you" he said crying.

"Charlie it's dangerous out here" I said kissing his forehead.

"They're not going to kill me are they?" He asked looking over at the other guys.

"No they're not" I said picking him up.

I walked him over to them.

"Char. These are my friends. Brennen, Sam, Corey, Kyra, Katrina, and Devyn" I said putting him down.

"Are you going to hurt me?" Charlie asked holding onto me.

"Come here little guy" Katrina said holding her hand out.

Charlie took it and Katrina sat him on her lap.

"I know us vampires seem mean and nasty. But we don't harm innocent people like you. We won't hurt you. We're kind ok?" She said looking into his eyes.

They all hugged Charlie.

"Let's get you home" I said picking him up.

We all walked to my house and I put Charlie in bed.

"I love you Phoenix" he said hugging me.

"I love you too Char" I said hugging him back.

I tucked him and cast a protection spell over the house. I wiped away some tears and climbed down the house.

"Are you ok?" Brennen asked looking at me.

"I'm fine. I didn't want him to see me like that" I said sniffing.

We got to the castle and Colby was stood there

"Where the hell have you been?" He asked grabbing my arm.

"Get off me" I snapped showing my teeth.

I walked upstairs but could still hear them talking.

"She could have been hurt" Colby growled.

"We were all there" Sam said.

"I need to talk to her" he said.

"No Colby not tonight" Devyn said stopping him.

"Why not?" He snapped.

"Charlie saw her feeding. She's really scarred from that" Kat said.

"PHOENIX! OFF TO BED!" Colby shouted.

I ran into the room and got into bed. I cried that night. I could tell Charlie was terrified. He didn't understand. I can't tell him. I can't tell Tati. Not even mom and Dad.

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