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Me and Kyle were looking put the window when we saw a group of people with pitchforks and torches running towards the castle. The door burst open and Kat and Devyn ran in.

"You two we need to get you to the basement now" Kat said, running and grabbing my hand.

We stood up and ran downstairs. I was grabbed away from Kat and someone grabbed my hair and put their hand over my mouth. Kat and Devyn pushed Kyle away. Kat's eyes glowed red as she showed her fangs, as Devyn's turned blue.

"Lookie here boys, two little girlie vampires saving the spare. How sweet" the guy holding me mocked.

"She is not a spare now let her go" Kat hissed.

"I need that prophesy" the man behind me growled back.

"You won't get it. Colby will never let you have it" Devyn hissed.

"Weaken these two. They're getting on my nerves" the man behind me said.

"Don't you lay a finger on them Jackson" Colby said, emerging from the dark doorway.

"Where is my prophesy Colby?" the man from behind me asked.

"Its right here. Just let Phoenix go and you can have it" he said, holding his hand out to grab me.

"No Colby. You told me how important the prophesy was. You can't give it to him just because you want me to be safe. You are not taking the prophesy. Take me. Do whatever the fuck you want with me. I don't care. Just don't take the prophesy" I said, as Jackson tightened his grip.

"Suits me fine" Jackson said, picking me up.

"Phoenix don't do this" Colby said, looking at me.

"I'm sorry Colby" I said, as we walked off.

I just cried silently to myself as I was taken away from the castle.

"Where's Phoenix, is she ok?" Kyle asked, running to me.

"They took her" I said, grabbing him.

He punched me and tried to fight me. I didn't do anything.

"Kyle, Kyle look at me" I said, holding his face.

"What?" he snapped.

"She'll be ok" I said, compelling him.

"She'll be ok" he repeated.

"Clarissa, take him upstairs, watch him and make sure he sleeps. As soon as he's asleep cast the sleep spell that will last for two days. Then come downstairs" I said, as I let go of Kyle.

Kyle walked up the stairs with the help of Clarissa.

------------------------------------- two weeks later --------------------------------------

I was walking through the halls when I looked out the windows. I saw a girl walking towards the castle. She was limping and was beaten up. It was Phoenix. I bolted outside and grabbed her. She looked at me and I hugged her tightly. Kyle ran outside too and came over to us.

"Oh my god. What happened?" he asked, lifting her head up.

I picked her up and ran her to her room. Kat came in.

"Kat. Can you dress her please?" I asked, leaving.

"Of course. Sam would like to see you downstairs" she said, as she went into Phoenix's wardrobe.

I left the room so they had some privacy.

I took off Phoenix's top to reveal a huge bite mark on her shoulder.

"Oh my god" I said, touching it.

She gasped as her eyes were bright blue. She snarled at me but then realised who I was. She stopped and laid down.

"What happened to you?" I asked, sitting down.

"They tied me up so I could move my arms. I struggled as much as I could. They kept talking about a cure and how if they turned me, they'd be free of that curse. So they did. Jackson did" she said, holding her bite.

"COLBY!" I shouted loudly.

"Kat what the hell are you doing?" she asked, grabbing my arm.

"Colby needs to see this" I said, pulling my arm away.

"You screamed for me Kat?" Colby asked, at the door.

"She's been bitten" I said, grabbing his hand.

"Shit. Its a full moon tonight" he said, touching her mark.

"You have the cure right?" I asked, looking at him.

"No. I don't. We used it all on Shea" he said, licking her blood off his fingers.

"So I'm going to be like this forever?" she asked, standing up.

"No you won't. We just need a new cure. But it could take centuries" he said, grabbing her before she could leave.

"Get off me" she said, pulling her arm away.

"You can't leave. The moon will be rising soon" he said, grabbing her.

We got her into the basement and tied her up.

"Well don't just leave me here!" she shouted.

"We'll see to you don't you worry" Colby said, shutting the door.

"COLBY!" she shouted, as we walked up the stairs.

"She'll be ok won't she?" I asked, looking at Colby.

"We'll need to watch her transformation. She might still be a pup" he said.

We walked upstairs and waited until the full moon rose.

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