Chapter 3: Alliance

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T'Challa's POV

I sat at the hospital wing in my palace. It's been 12 hours since what happen. My body was shivering with guilt. I should have paid attention to the surroundings instead of being mesmerized by her and her annoyance for me. When she was shot and fell in my arms, it felt like my whole world was crashing down. They ran away but I promise I will get revenge.

"Do you have any information about the group of bounty hunters?" I asked my sister, Shuri right when she entered the room.

"I will tell you once I have the information, brother! This is the fourth time you asked me" she shouts with annoyance.

I turn to look at her body laying in the hospital bed. She looked different when she wasn't yelling at me for saving her life.

"T'Challa she's fine. You need to get some rest" my mom says touching my arm gently.

"I'm fine ma" I respond.

"She's really pretty"


Her best friend, Naomi entered the room. I told one of the Dora Milaje to come bring her to the palace.

Noises came from the bed.

"Aliyah you crazy bitch" Naomi says while running to the bed.

Her name is Aliyah. Beautiful.

"You had me worried sick about you. You almost made me sleep with M'Baku in order to get him to find you until I got a message from the palace" Naomi says slapping Aliyah a little.

"Am I at the palace?" Aliyah asked her.

"Yes" I say.

She met my eyes. I hear her mutter an 'oh no'.

Shuri entered breaking the awkward tension.

"Brother, we found the person who was responsible" she says. A picture of him came up. (Picture of him showed in the beginning of the chapter) He goes by the name Achebe. Apparently he was giving Wakanda trouble since Baba was king. He infiltrated the refugee camp at the border of Wakanda. His men were the ones that shot Aliyah".

"How many people does he have taken hostage?" I asked angrily.

"About 200" Shuri says.

"Call everyone for a meeting in an hour after breakfast" I tell Okoye who just entered.  She left with Shuri and my mom.

"I have to go to Gorilla City to tell M'Baku that our deal is off" Naomi tells Aliyah.

"You can tell him over the face chat" Aliyah tells her.

"Maybe I want to see him"

"M'Baku is dangerous and you shouldn't trust him" I interrupted their conversation.

"Excuse me my King but I can handle myself and I trust M'Baku" she says leaving the place.

I watch Aliyah stand up from the bed.

"I have to go" she says.

"Don't tell me you are going after Achebe" I spoke.

She stayed quiet.

"Okay tell me what. Join me in taking him down and getting the refugees back then you don't have to talk to me again. Although I wish you will continue talking to me" I say.

"Fine after we get the refugees that's it with us" she agreed.

Even with no makeup she looks so beautiful. I grab her hand. She hit my hand to left her go. She's the only girl who hasn't fallen head over heels for me before.

Aliyah's POV

I followed T'Challa awkwardly in the palace hall. I didn't know where we were going. We passed either maids or royals from different tribe. We reached the dinning hall to find the Queen Mother, Okoye, and Shuri. That's the only people I know. The rest where other people connected to the royal bloodline.

"You are so beautiful. I'm glad you are okay. T'Challa here didn't leave the hospital room ever. I wanted him to get some rest but he wouldn't" Queen Ramonda tells me while pulling me in for a hug.

"Ma!" T'Challa groans annoyed that his mom will tell me all of that.

"Sit next to me" Shuri says pulling me to a seat.

"Be careful, she's probably still in pain" T'Challa warns.

"Actually, I feel fine" I reply.

Shuri was telling me how T'Challa was apparently drooling over me making him angry. This is not the first time a guy has been interested in me and probably won't be the last time. Not to be cocky but I've seen it all till T'Challa came around.

Later on, T'Challa and I were alone and walking to the conference room.

"Why do you risk your life saving me?" I ask curiously.

"The first two times were not intentional. I had a mission to do and there you were popping up and so I decided to just follow you since you won't stop" He says.

"Most people see that as stalking" I say.

This girl came and bump into me. I fell to the ground.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" she says but I can see her fakeness from a mile away.

"It's okay, Sakina" T'Challa tells her while helping me up.

"My King I have to show you something. Can you follow me?" She asked as she touched his chest.

Meanwhile, Shuri was walking at that direction so I pulled her to me.

"I can't right now. I have a guest" he tells Sakina.

"Forget her then, your sister can take care of her for a while" Sakina response glaring at me.

This is the part when I wish Naomi was here with me. She would have lit this bitch up as she says in American lingo. Did this girl just say forget her?? Also am I a baby to be taken care off?

"Honey, I can take care of myself just fine" I tell her as I fold my arms. She just waved me off.

"Whatever. T'Challa please" she whined to him while touching his arms after she looked me up and down.

He looked at me with a look of sympathy and followed her. I was trying to stay civilized here but if his was in the streets of Wakanda outside the palace we would be fighting.

In Africa you can fight all you want and no police will take you to jail for beating someone up. In fact, if you go to the police to report it, they would only ask you why weren't you strong enough?

"That slut" I spoke once they were gone.

"I know right. She wants to be Queen so bad but T'Challa isn't interested in her" Shuri says and I followed her to the conference room.

There was a discussion of how to take down Achebe. Ramonda offered me to stay in the Palace till they captured the menace. In order to help hunt him down, I was told I have to train with the warriors here.

"To help us know your fighting ability, you must chose someone to fight" Okoye tells me.

"I'll do it" Sakina annoying voice spoke up.

"Challenge Accepted".

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