Chapter 17: Proposition

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"I'm serious Aliyah. I don't want you to see him" T'Challa spoke.

What's up with men being major hypocrites. Does he really think he can control me that easily?

"First of all, you don't tell me who I can or cannot speak to. Secondly, you are such a hypocrite" I say.

"Hypocrite how?" He ask.

"I never said a word when Nakia was here. I even agreed that you talk to her alone. All of a sudden, an ex of mine is talking to me and you don't even know why we broke up or the situation and you are telling me not to talk to him. If I can't talk to Hadi then you can't talk to Nakia" I say folding my arm.

"You can't tell me who I can't talk to" he smirks.

"And you can? When you agree with my arrangements then you can talk to me" I say and walk off.

I walked over to the high ranking section of the palace and stood in front of Naomi's door and knocked.

"Come in" She shouts. I walk inside and spotted Naomi laying in her bed watching tv. I jump on her bed.

"Girl chill, I have major cramps and you are too hyper" she groan rubbing her stomach.

"Can I sleep here?" I ask her.

"Of course" she says. "What happened?"

"T'Challa pissed me the fuck off. He was saying that he forbids me to speak to Hadi and then I told him if I can't see Hadi then he can't see Nakia. He was acting so annoyed with what I said so I told him I won't talk to him till he fixes his attitude and the situation" I explain.

"This is why I don't do relationships. Men are major hypocrites. They also make promises that they can't keep" She reply.

"When he thinks about the future, does he see me in it with him by his side? If not, then why are we together? That's what I need to ask him" I say.

"You do not want my opinion" Naomi states.

"Tell me" I urge.

"I ain't saying I'm a gold digger but I'm not messing with no-" she began to sing. I screech interrupting her.

"I don't know why I asked"

"Told you"

"I'm tired and I'm going to bed. Goodnight" I say. I close my eyes and sleep pulling me in couple of minutes later.

Next Morning

"Good morning" Naomi shouts as we enter the dinning hall. There was T'Challa talking to Nakia. She was too close to him and was touching his shoulder every five seconds. Anger rises in me.

"Nope! I'm not doing this right now. It's too early for this" I say to Naomi.

"The audacity of that girl" she says.

T'Challa looked at me and I turned around and began walking down the hallway. I am so angry.

Naomi was by my side.

"Am I crazy? Why do people think they can play with my emotions?" I asked.

"You are not crazy" she responds.

"Aliyah!" T'Challa sprints till he was in front of me. I folded my arms and looked at him.

"Do you want to have breakfast with me?" he asked.

We ignored him and began to walk down the hallway to Naomi's chambers. He won't quit following me and talking to me but I refused to talk to him.

"Nakia doesn't even like me as a lover. She just wants to be friends" he explains.

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