Chapter 15: Dad?

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It's been a couple of days since the invasion and Shuri finally was able to contact T'Challa. The plan was to get into the palace unnoticed and ambush Achebe. I got my weapons ready and we were all prepared. We each got our own mission. I had to deal with Sakina while T'Challa was going to take down Achebe. The rest were to fight XCON and try to take back the palace.

It was nighttime and I walk quietly down the dark halls of the palace. There was a secret tunnel that led to one of the hidden palace gates. That's how we were able to get in undetected.

I walked quietly trying to reach or find anyone to lead me to Achebe till I was pulled back into a corner. A group of XCON members passed by walking and I turned around to look at the person who pulled me to the corner to find T'Challa in his black panther suit. The mask disappeared revealing his face.

"Miss me?" He asked grinning. I smiled and nod.

"Follow me" he says leading the way quietly down the hallway.

We found Achebe at the King's Court laying while some servants fed him his food. He's disgusting. Sakina was next to him with few of his soldiers. He was creepily talking to his puppet. They couldn't see us.

"Get their attention and you go for Sakina and I will deal with Achebe" T'Challa says.

"Do you know how to stop him now?" I asked. 

"Mephisto is destroyed. He's not dead but I put him in a very weak place. Achebe is also weakened and doesn't have the power that Mephisto gave him anymore" T'Challa tells me.

We walked out of the shadows and aimed my gun at the chicken wing that Achebe was about to eat and shot at it. They all stared at us. Achebe gave us a devious smile and got up quickly. I head straight for Sakina while T'Challa went for Achebe.

"Hi baby, you came back for me" Sakina says to T'Challa excitedly. He acted like she didn't even exist. I took the moment to throw a kick at her face. It hit her and the XCON members charged towards me. I pointed my handgun at them with the bullets hitting their ribs and legs.

Sakina recovered and charged towards me screaming. She punched me in the jaw which really hurt but I elbowed her face and kicked her stomach.

"You don't deserve him. You are the biggest gold digger. You can't even fight me without your stupid weapons" she screamed.

"I fought you already without any weapons and won. I can do it again" I tell her placing my two handguns in the military vest I wore.

"I've been practicing" she says smiling.

I charged at her grabbing her hair and pushed her to the wall. She hit her head in the wall and blood rolled down her face.

"He is mine" she shouts.

"You are so delusional. He doesn't even want you" I tell her punching her again. She charged at me pushing me on the floor. She got on top of me punching me. I twisted our bodies and kicked her off of me and attacked her.

"Say goodbye to this world whore" she smirks.

"If anyone is a whore it's you" I say pushing her against the wall with my hands on her throat.

Before I could do anything else, sharp pain came to the right part of my stomach . I looked down to see Sakina slice me with a knife.

"You are going to die in thirty minutes. The knife had a special poison on it" Sakina says smiling and pushed me on the floor. I winced in extreme pain holding my side. I felt my head spinning.

"Aliyah!" I heard T'Challa shout. He made his way to Sakina.

"Baby we can finally be toget-" I heard her say. I looked up and before she could finish her sentence, she was silenced by T'Challa's panther claws deep in her chest.

"Shuri make your way here immediately. Aliyah has been cut deep with a poisonous knife" T'Challa says in the COM.

He was kneeling on the ground holding my hand. I was bleeding a lot.

"You'll be fine I promise" he assured and kissed my lips gently. He always looked so beautiful even right now when we were fighting and at war.

Shuri came running over to us and T'Challa went to go find Achebe. She put a force field around us so no one can try to harm us or disturb.

She began to spray my wound which hurt as hell. And she did some other stuff. I'm not a doctor I can't explain what she did. She injected me with something and all of a sudden I felt like I could run up a mountain.

"What did you just do to me?" I asked.

"I fixed your wounds and it will heal soon and also I injected you with adrenaline" she says making my eyes widen.

" Go find somewhere safe, I'll go look for T'Challa" I told her.

"I'm coming with you and I won't take no as an answer" she says and we ran down the hall way finding T'Challa fighting Achebe.

We stood by T'Challa and I shot at Achebe repeatedly. He kept on dodging them.

"Oh Aliyah, is that how you treat your one and only Dad?" Achebe says causing me to freeze. We all froze.

"Dad?" T'Challa asked looking at me. I stood there confused as ever.

"You are lying" I say in disgust.

He laughs loudly: "Am I?"

"Tell me, do you even remember you mom and dad?" Achebe asked.

I tried to think about who my parents were but I couldn't remember anything. The last childhood memory I could remember was my brother getting killed.

"Join me my daughter" Achebe says holding out his hand.

I felt like my whole life was a lie. I can't remember my childhood. I was so disgusted.

"What did you do to me?" I shout in anger.

"Your memory was wiped. If you want to remember you have to come with me" he says.

"I don't care who you are. You are a bad man and You may be related to me but you never will be a part of me" I say taking my gun and shot him right in the head. Nothing happened to him.

"Silly girl" he laughs. T'Challa lunged at him with his claws. That seemed to do a lot of damage.

"Give it up already. You should be more worried about your lives. This whole palace is a trap. I bombed this place and will go off soon" Achebe says laughing. He was really weak. "You should have taken my request wretched girl"

With that he literally vanished in plain sight.

I'm so excited. I'M SEEING INFINITY WAR TOMORROW. I'll probably be crying at the movie theater.

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