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Am posting the new part hope you will like it. Please don't forget to vote and comment.

One day Aarav and Nandini was as usual sitting in LAAL PAHAR waiting for Alya and Dhruv. They were talking about many things as they like each other's company.

N: Aarav, you wait here. I will go and see, if di is done or not. It's been so long. Baba will be back.

A: Okay.

Nandini got up and went to Alya to ask but she told Nandini to wait a little more. Nandini came back to Manik and found him playing his guitar. She was about to sit on his place but found a small gift pack there. She took that.

N: What is this?

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N: What is this?

A: Open the box and see it yourself.

N: Okay I will go home and then see it..

Manik smiled at her.

On the other side
In Nandini's house
Ashok came home and asked about Nandini and Alya. But Priya said they are not home they went out a long time ago. Ashok got really angry hearing that. So he went out with his all men to find them.

They searched them everywhere but couldn't find them. At last they went to Laal Pahar. They climbed on the hill. There they saw Alya and Dhruv sitting hugging each other and Nandini with Aarav.

Ashok got more angry seeing that.
Aarav, Nandini, Dhruv and Alya saw Ashok and his men. They became scared.

They went towards Alya and Dhruv. They pulled them apart. Ashok's goon started beating Dhruv. Ashok was holding Alya. Alya was struggling to get out from their hold but they were way too strong for her.  Aarav and Nandini were scared as hell. The goons were beating Dhruv when he fall down from the hill. All got shocked. Alya fall down crying.

Ashok took Nandini and Alya with him and asked his goons to keep Aarav with them.

At night
At village head's place
Ashok took Aarav there to punish him as he tried to mix with his daughter. Manav was also there. All the villagers also gathered there. Let's see what happens..........

As: Manav, Aarav is your son that's why we didn't do anything to him till now else you know what we can do. I hope we don't need to make you remember that.

Man: Yes, you are the head of this village. You can understand, they are kids. They made a mistake unknowingly. 

As: Shut up. I know girls of our house will never do something like this. So, don't point your fingers on them. Priya, come out with Nandini.

Priya went in and brought Nandini with her. Nandini was crying and really scared. Ashok hold her hand and asked

As: Nandini, did you call this boy? Do you know him? Why are you quiet? Say something. Was he troubling you? You don't need to be scared. Say something.

Aarav was hoping that she will tell the truth. They both were at fault. He was hoping that she will take his side.

N: (due to fear) Yes, Baba, I don't know him. He was troubling me, I didn't do anything. I never called him.

Manik was shocked listening her. He had never thought that she will tell like this. He looked at her with hurt and disgust.

As: Did your hear? Everything is clear now. Now I am giving you a week, leave Dehradun before that. Else the consequences will be really bad. And your son, he should also get some punishment, right? Cut his hairs.

Ashok's goon went and cut Aarav's all hair. Then Manav and Aarav went from there.

After 7 days
Manik's family didn't shift from Dehradhun. So Ashok and his goons started their torture on his family. They used throw stones at night on their house, when Manav used to came out of house they used to throw dirts on him, they used to tease Bulbul and many more.

At last for their security they left Dehradhun for forever.

Precap: present.

Here the flashback ends. How was it? Tell me.
What do you think will Manik forgive Nandini? Will they be able to forget everything and be together? Tell me your views.
Don't forget to vote and comment.

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