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Next morning
After Manik left Nandini to the station and went away. Nandini sat there for a long time hoping that Manik might come back and took her with him. May be all this was a joke, a lie but unfortunately it was not. After a long time she got up and went to Navya's place with a shattered heart and soul. She stayed there that night and came back home to this morning.

Ashok, Priya, Harshad with his men and family was sitting together. One of Harshad's men saw her coming. He immediately inform everyone about that. They all ran outside. Ashok was very angry because of this stunt played by Nandini.

He came and stood in front of the door and others stood behind him. Nandini came and stood in front of Ashok. Navya was also with her. She was not able meet his eyes.

As: Who is the boy, Nandini?

Nandini was so afraid that she was unable to answer. That's why on behalf of Nandini Navya told

"There is no boy, uncle."

As: You stay quiet. Don't utter a word. Where were you these two nights?

Nav: She was with me in my home.

Har: Lie. I had sent my men to her house. There was no one. They were not there.

Nav: Woh we were at my cousin's place.

As: I asked you to be quiet. Let her speak. Nandini, why did you run away from marriage?

Nav: Woh she got scared.

As: I asked you to let her speak. Can't she speak? Tell me what is it Nandini?

N: Wo baba I got scared.

Ashok slapped Nandini when Priya came and hold her.

P: What are you doing? She must have really got scared hearing about marriage suddenly. Every girl feels the same.

As: Then what was the need of running away from marriage? She could have talked to us.

H: Uncle leave it. Whatevers was about to happen had happened. Now no need of dragging the matter more. 

As: Take her in.

Harshad's father: Bhai sahab, let's do one thing let's not talk about the marriage for a while. After a few days when Nandini will be alright then we will get them married. 

Ashok nodded his head and Harshad with all left from there.

On the other side in Mumbai
Coming down from the train Manik and Cabir took a cab and went Manik's home fast. In the whole way Cabir did not speak to Manik for once. In front of Manik's house driver stopped, Manik came down and saw that Cabir was still in the cab

"What happened? Aren't you coming home?"

C: I am not feeling like talking to you. Leave me alone.

Saying this Cabir left from there.

Manik came inside and went to Manav fast. He found him resting on sofa. Manik went and sat on ground and hold Manav's hand. Feeling his touch Manav woke up and smiled seeing Manik

"You are back?"

M: Yes, dad. Dad I want to say something.

Man: Go on.

M: Dad, I went to Dehradhun.

Man: Why?

M: To take revenge.

Man: Revenge? For what? From whom?

M: That insult which they did to us years back, that insult for which we left Dehradhun, mom died.

Man: Manik your mother died because of heart attack. She had the problem from a long time. That's the reason she died.

M: But they had insulted us.

Man: You know Nandini had no fault in that. She was a child. In front of elders she got afraid that's why she told lie. What have you done Manik? What have you done?

Bulbul also came there hearing noise. She became sad as well hearing what Manik had done.

At night
Manik was sitting in his room busy in his own thoughts when Vihaan came there and sat beside her.

V: So it was the reason you were doing Dehradhun Dehradhun. Good? Everything has a good side and a bad side. Here bad side is that you have done really wrong with the girl. For a small mistake, she suffered a lot. And the good side is...... Ummmm.... it's that...... Like it'

He was stammering as he was not seeing any good side of this incident.

M: There is none. There is no good side of this. 

Saying this he got up and left from there.

Precap: Distance makes relationship stronger???

Boring chapter.... Isn't it??? But it was needed. Don't kill me for this as I also love Manan. I also want there happily ever after. I will make Manan meet again after 1/2 chapter. Till then enjoy the tanhai.
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