Don't answer it

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There's been a very funny rumour going at my school lately.

They say that if you go into classroom number 13 at night and close the door, you'll hear someone knocking at the closed door, saying, 'Are you in there?'

They say that whatever happens, you must not open the door until morning.

Being a logical person, I didn't believe in such stupid stuff. I told anyone who'd listen that the whole thing was false, that it was just pure fiction. But being the superstitious idiots they are, they still believed in those things.

So I decided to prove it to them that the rumour was false by actually going into the classroom at night. My friends begged me to not do it, not to risk my life, even though they already knew I wasn't going to take their advice seriously.

During the supposed witching hour, I grabbed a sleeping bag and went to my school on foot. Entering through the half open window of classroom eleven, I sneaked towards the haunted classroom.

Shutting the door tightly behind me, I looked around the room. It didn't look haunted at all. I plopped myself onto a desk and waited for the knocking.

Two hours passed very slowly. No knocking so far. I sighed. That rumour had fooled those people too easily. I packed up my things and headed towards the door.

Just then, the knocking started. Horribly rhythmic, it made the hairs on the back of the neck stand on end. No way. It couldn't possibly be true. 

'Are you in there?' said a voice outside the door. It sounded like a little girl's voice, echoing in the empty corridor. I breathed a sigh of relief. The voice sounded human enough. Probably some kid playing a trick on me. I opened the door tell the kid to go home.

It was the greatest mistake of my life. For a moment, I stared into her eyeless sockets. Smiling at me, she pulled me into darkness

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