The picture

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Catherine found the picture on the Internet a few days ago. It depicted a child trying to hide from the monster under her bed. This didn't bother Catherine very much as she was used the photos like this.

But she started to worry when her sister Katie's bed arrived at her house.

Every morning, Katie would wake up with scratches and bruises all over her body. No one, not even Katie herself knew how they had gotten there. Once or twice, Catherine saw something moving under Katie's bed. It disturbed her very much, as she knew she had seen that bed somewhere before. Seeing the picture of the girl and the monster again confirmed her suspicions.

Katie's bed was the one in the picture, and the monster under it had come to their house with the bed.

However, Catherine did not need to tell her parents about the creature that was threatening their daughter. They connected Katie's injuries with an uncomfortable bed and decided to donate it to the orphanage. Catherine let out a sigh of relief as she saw their van screech along Bell Street from her bedroom window. Her problems were all over.

She was wrong.

The next day, newspaper headlines screamed:


'Zoologists and biologists confirmed that the creature was a new species.The creature was last seen crawling towards Bell Street.'

Catherine froze as she heard the sound of the downstairs window shattering.

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