Shut up

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There's this girl in class who really likes to talk. The moment you step into the room, the first thing you hear is her chattering. Of course, no one minds, she's one of the popular nobrains everyone likes hanging out with. But I do. I can't concentrate in class with all the noise, and I think she's doing it on purpose to annoy me. 

'So, nerd,' she greets me every day, with that disgustingly sweet smile, 'I bet your grades are starting to drop now, right? Of course they are, all you ever do is sit around and glare at people every day--'

She couldn't finish her sentence because at that moment, I yelled at her to shut up. The teacher heard me and gave me a detention. It wasn't fair. That chatterbox talks every minute of the day and she hasn't ever gotten a detention.

I decided to take matters into my own hands.

That night, I went to her house. Her parents were out. Perfect. They don't like listening to complaints about their daughter, because, according to them, she was "lively" and it was us nerds that had a problem.

I knocked on her door and she answered immediately, chattering away as she always did. 'So, Charlotte, how was everything today? Was the detention harsh?'

I tried to keep the conversation going. It was vital for my plan to work. I followed her into her room and tried to answer her stupid questions all at once.

Once in her room, I finally said, 'Well, Gretel, there is something I'd like to settle with you today.

Her smile faded. 'What? Am I too noisy?'

I smiled. 'Too selfish,' I said, and reached for my sock. 'Sorry, Gret, but you need to shut up permanently.'

Pulling out the knife, I lunged towards her.

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