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'Nelson Smith, a seventeen year old boy was found dead in his bedroom today. His right eye was removed and nowhere to be found. A painted ÷ was found on one of the room's walls. Police are still investigating this series of bizarre murders by the killer known as '÷'.

   I switched off the television with a sigh. Another week, another murder. Not that I've cared, I've never cared about anything that doesn't concern me. A loud honk from the taxi parked outside reminded me of the time. I grabbed my rucksack and sped downstairs, tripping over the cat as usual.

As the most popular student in school, I expected to be greeted with enthusiasm when I entered the classroom, but the other students' attention were focused on something else. Looking around, I saw Dean, Micheal and Harold clustered around Austin's desk.

   'Go on,' Micheal was saying, 'Go on and give us all you have, and we'll leave you alone for now.'

   For a moment, Austin looked like he was going to retaliate, but he looked at Harold, who was cracking his knuckles, and thought better of it. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a large stack of notes and handed the to Dean. Dean frowned.

   'Is that all you have?' he growled, shuffling the stack of notes.

   Austin nodded.

   Harold jabbed his finger at him. 'You'd better keep this quiet, or you end up in the cemetery.'

   Just then, he noticed me. 'Oh, Edward.'

   Before I could say anything, the teacher walked into the classroom. We had to return to our seats, Miss Harrison was very touchy about anyone out of their proper spots.

As soon school ended, I headed towards the abandoned field. I found Micheal already there waiting for me.

   'Where're the others?' I asked him.

   'They're not coming today, they have extra lessons.' His expression changed almost immediately. 'Edward, we had to start without you, it was ten minutes to class-'

   I grinned. 'You kinda made up for it, collecting at least fifty bucks.'

   'Yeah, that weakling Austin is so easy to snatch from.'

   Just then, a brilliant idea popped up in my mind. 'Hey Mike, tomorrow's the day the school collects the fees, right?'

   'Shut up Edward. You're making no sense at all.'

   'Just cause your brain is not developed like other people's doesn't mean I don't make any sense.'

   Micheal's face turned red.

   'And tomorrow every student is gonna come to school with a few hundred bucks at least,' I continued, 'Imagine the amount we could take from-'

   'Edwards, you're a genius,' said Micheal, grinning. 'But the raid's gonna happen before school. And we haven't done that before.'

   'As long as you have the right venue and the right people, you can make it possible.'

   'Great!' exclaimed Micheal. 'I'll tell Dean and Harold about this. Tomorrow morning, behind the abandoned house, fella?'

   I laughed. 'Finally, you're talking sense, Mike.'

   As I headed back home, I thought about the fun I was going to have tomorrow. 

   He watched me as I whistled, treading on the grass, and raised a bayonet, smiling a sinister smile.

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