Tic, Toc

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I've been hearing this weird noise very often since last week. It goes like this: tic, toc, toc, tic..... 

At first I thought it was my clock going out of battery. But even after I changed the batteries, the sound still didn't stop. Tic, toc, tic......

The strange thing about this not very rhythmic and unsettling sound is that no matter where I go, I can still hear it. It's always there, whenever I go to bed or wait for the bus. Toc, tic......

Then one day I was going into the basement to get that antique iron to iron my clothes. It still works well, after all these years. My parents always have a weird obsession with antiques.

The sound's still following me as I climb down the stairs. Tic, toc......

To my horror, the sound seemed to be getting louder and louder with every step I take. Although I know that whatever's making that noise won't take me seriously, I screamed into the darkness, 'Stop that noise if you still wanna live!'

To my amazement, the sound stopped. I let out a sigh of relief as I descended further down into the basement. Now that noise will never bother me again. Wow, whatever's making that noise must be a coward.

Seeing the sight that greeted me downstairs, I knew that I celebrated too soon.

The crooked old man in my basement leered unpleasantly at me as he hit the ground gently with his long knife, making a soft clicking noise.

Tic, toc, tic......

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