May I?

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I got invited to a dance by my friend. She's got an enormous house, with a large room ideal for partying. I picked my best dress to go to the dance, as anyone would, and took a taxi to the manor in the countryside.

It was amazing. With it's large windows, double doors and spectacular chandelier, it was the kind of house I always wanted. Little by little, the guests trickled in and we started the celebrations by seven o'clock. I felt like I could party all night.

I was halfway through this dance when I felt thirsty and went to a table laden with drinks. I was about to grab a cup of fruit punch an arm's distance away when another hand snatched it. I looked up and my eyes met this guy who looked a few years older than I was.

'May I?' he said, handing the cup to me. He smiled. Something about that smile told me there was something very wrong about him, something dangerous and demonic behind that face......

I excused myself and headed towards the door. Anything to get away from Demon Guy. Before I slipped through the door, I looked back and saw the same guy standing at the table. He didn't look happy. Not happy at all.

I managed to flag down a taxi and requested the driver to drive me straight back home. Thank goodness this driver knew a shortcut, and within seconds I had arrived at the lobby of my apartment.

I was about to open the door when the driver suddenly did something very strange. He got out of his seat before I did, opened my door and stretched out a hand. 'May I?'

I screamed. It was the same creepy guy from the party. I pushed him away and rushed for the lift. I jabbed at the button that would take me to the topmost floor of the building. The doors closed and I managed to get  back home before that guy could catch me. Phew.

I heard footsteps behind me. I cursed. No way that guy could follow me here. I turned around, about to tell him to stop being a creepy stalker before I realised that it was my brother.

He seemed surprised that I was home so early and let me in with his keys(I had forgotten mine). He noticed that I seemed scared about something and invited me to watch football with him. I agreed quite happily. Nothing scares me more than being home alone now that I was in this situation.

I got ready to hand the remote control to my brother before I heard footsteps again. The front door unlocked with much jangling of the keys. Strange. My parents never unlocked doors like this before.

The door opened and my brother stepped in. I looked confusedly at him.

'Nathan?' I asked him blankly, 'Didn't you just come in?'

'As a matter of fact, yes,' he answered, 'If you're worried about impostors, I know that your birthday is on the 31st of December.'

'Wait,' I said slowly. 'If you're you, then who is that guy on the couch?'

A creaking sound behind me told me to turn around. The guy on the couch no longer looked like my brother. In fact, he looked horribly familiar, only that his head was twisted all the way back like an owl's so that he could look at me. He smiled and raised a knife.

'May I?'

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