Tracking system

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My little sister always gets into serious trouble. Mostly because she always goes to some crazy place every day after skipping school, gets caught by prefects, and ends up in the headmaster's office or detention.  This drove everyone crazy, especially my mom, who's the boring follow-the-rules sort of mom. So to keep track of where she was going every day, she installed a high-tech tracking system onto her phone. I was pretty surprised she was able to use it herself, since she always asks me how to work the microwave.

It worked great for the next couple weeks. Whenever my mom caught Leona sneaking out of school, she'd go over to wherever she was at the moment, chase her down (Leona's one of the school's top sprinters), and force her to go to back to school.

It certainly made my mom happy, but Leona felt the complete opposite. One month after that, she kicked the bucket. Her teachers say the pressure made her crack.

I attended her funeral, of course. It was quiet, and my mom kept checking the tracking system on her phone, as if determined to see if the small dot indicating Leona's position would rise from her grave and run towards where she was sitting.

My family got over it quickly. Two months later, when everything was back to normal, I was cleaning out some of the junk files on my mom's phone (she's very tech-no). As I activated her cleaner app, I noticed something which made my blood run cold.

The little notification that just appeared at the top of the screen said: Target approaching current location, arriving in ten seconds.

The tracking system. But how was Leona supposed to come home?She was dead. And dead people don't walk.

I showed the notification to my mom. She didn't freak out, just opened her tracker app and looked at the little dot indicating Leona's current position.

'Where is she now?' I asked her. 

She looked carefully at the screen. 'Funny,' she said finally, 'because she's right behind you now.'

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