Just like hide and seek

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Have you ever heard that noise?

That haunting, shrill, whistling sound that makes the hair on the back of your neck stand on end?

Well, if you have, you'd better find the source of that noise and put a stop to it.

Try looking round your house first, armed with a weapon like a knife, preferably made of silver. No clue where to start? Try looking under the bed.

Still nothing? Try the wardrobe.

If there's still nothing there, I've got some bad news for you: whatever's making that noise isn't very likely to give up whistling. DON'T ask them nicely to stop annoying you; if you ever find them, never play nicely--what was that? Didn't I tell you to bring a silver weapon?

After seeking in those spots that were just mentioned, look in the fridge, the toilet bowl, the sink, the attic, the drawers, just any unlikely hiding place.

Still nothing? This is bad. Very, very bad. Pack a suitcase. Prepare some salt. Go to the mirror in your bathroom. Look into it.

Nothing out of the ordinary? Look closer.

There you are.

Now that you've seen it, throw salt at it. The salt will temporarily stun it,  giving you time to escape. Grab your suitcase and get out of your house. Start running.

Continue running. Don't ever stop. Never look back. Find a nice house far, far away and settle down in it. Do not return to your old house.

You're safe.....for now.

If you ever hear that whistling sound again, don't stop to search for it. Just get away from it as quickly as possible.

Because if you don't....

It'll find you. Just like hide and seek.

If you really start to hear untraceable whistling noises, don't follow my instructions. It's just something I made up to frighten people. Call someone with some experience in these matters. I wouldn't like this story to result in the injury or death of some people.

This isn't true.

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