The Muffin Man

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My classmate, Oliver, is always giving out muffins at school. He says his mom made them and would like to share them with us. Everyone likes them--everyone except me. I hate muffins. I like Oliver, but not his way-too-sweet muffins.

There wouldn't be anyone in the whole school who hasn't tasted his sweet treats. Whenever he walks down the corridors, many students(especially the younger ones)call after him.

'Here comes The Muffin Man!'

'Make way for the one and only Muffin Man!'

Of course, Oliver doesn't mind. He actually likes it. But the whole thing kind of reached its peak when people started singing that stupid nursery rhyme whenever they saw him:

Have you seen the Muffin Man

The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man

Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives in Drury Lane?

He still doesn't mind, even though its the Stupidest. Nursery. Rhyme. Ever.

And before he knew it, he was being targeted. Bullies who were jealous of him and his fame started cornering him in deserted corridors and beating him up. He would come to school every day, to face the same thing over and over again.

Then, before we knew it, he was dead. According to the teachers, he went and killed himself by cutting his wrists open. He bled to death. His funeral was very quiet, only his parents and a few close friends.

The strange thing was, a few days after his death, one of the people who bullied him, Norman, was found murdered in his bed. There was a muffin stuffed down his throat, which cut off his airway and suffocated him. Many people seemed to think that he was stupid enough to try to swallow a muffin whole, on a dare, maybe.

Then another few days later, Norman's best friend was found dead in his bathroom. The cause of his death was a muffin again, just like Norman. This new case caused a stir among the students. They say that Oliver had come back to avenge himself.

Well, for the first time in my life, I agree with them.

There's a simple way to summon Oliver, or as they call him these days, The Muffin Man.

Just go to your kitchen at midnight, grab a muffin or cupcake, take a bite out of it and sing:

Have you seen the Muffin Man

The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man

Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives in Drury Lane?

Sing this three times, then he will appear. Just make sure to-

Oh, have I missed that? You'll need two muffins, one for yourself and one for him.

Because if you forget, he'll take you away, to become yet another one in his realm, to be doomed to sing his song forever.

Have you seen the Muffin Man

The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man

Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives in Drury Lane?

Have you seen the Muffin Man

The Muffin Man, the Muffin Man

Have you seen the Muffin Man who lives in Drury Lane?

Have you seen the Muffin Man .......


Again, this summoning is just pure fiction. Don't attempt it. 

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