Chapter 2

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Alan's POV

I wasn't excited. I didn't want to go to school, but then again what kid really wanted to be here?  I was in the principal's office once again. The same people present, but it was a different talk this time. It was the 'good luck and if you need anything we're here' talk which included talking about the interpreting deal.  It was times like this where I wish I didn't do the stupid shit I did. 

"Alright Alan. Kellin should be here any minute then you guys can meet and you'll be set to head out of here," Mr Johnson said with a smile. "This is his first time in school so go a little easy on him."

I shrugged, "There's a first time for everything, right?"

"Alan, be nice to him." Dad told me.

"I never said I was going to be mean to the kid."

Mr. Johnson went to open his mouth, but he stopped as his door opened up. The secretary walked in with who I assumed Kellin was.

"Kellin is here," She said letting him in the room.  She left and shut the door leaving all of us in there with this Kellin guy. 

I rolled my eyes at my dad and he elbowed me. "Be nice," He said quietly to me.

"I'm not being mean," I said elbowing him back.  I looked over at my PO who was standing in the back of the room "You really want this to be my community service?"

Sam gave me an annoyed look, "Alan we all know you won't do it on your own time, so yeah I want you to do this. I only want to be your PO for the year that I have to."

"Alright, alright." I got and looked at Kellin with a smile "I'm Alan, your interpreter." I signed to him. Kellin smiled at me and started rapidly signing back to me, a little too fast for me to completely know what he was saying but I got the gist. He was way too excited about high school.

I didn't understand why he'd be so excited for something so dull, but I'd cut him some slack today.

"I need to get my class schedule," he told me. "They haven't really given me anything yet. I don't even know what classes I'm taking."

I nodded and turned to the Mr. Johnson, "You have our schedule?"

Johnson nodded. "I do," he said and handed me the paper, completely ignoring Kellin who scowled.

"Thanks. All AP?"

He nodded. "Yes, since Kellin has been homeschooled he is far ahead of everyone in the on level classes."

"Alright then."

"Good luck Alan and be nice." Dad said giving me a knowing look.

Kellin glanced at me and smirked. "If you can't catch up, I can help you out," he signed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned at him.

"If you need help with advanced classes I can help you."

"Good to know." 

Kellin shrugged and didn't say anything else about it as he looked around. 

"Be good," Sam said.

I gave everyone a big annoyed smile before leaving the office with Kellin. This was already weird, I had no clue what to even talk to him about.  I wasn't the best as making connections with people and I don't know why they all thought I could make one now.

Kellin tapped my arm lightly.  

I looked over at him, "Yeah?"

"You don't have to sign." He told me, rolling his eyes. "I rarely sign either. But, where are we going?"

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