Chapter 4

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Kellin's POV

I sighed and looked around the cafeteria. I was trying to help Alan study for our calc test but, with how Alan was getting distracted, I didn't think this was the best place to do this. He was fuming and angry, and I had no clue what it was this time but I wasn't really surprised. After knowing Alan for like, two weeks now, he was always angry about something or other. I didn't know why he was constantly letting himself get so worked up.

I snatched his paper away from him and quickly wrote: you want to talk about it?

"Not really," He wrote back. "I'm just trying to calm down."

I nodded. He'd talk to me if he needed, maybe. I liked to think that Alan was slowly becoming my friend. At least I hoped he was. He wasn't all the bad when he wasn't pissed off. I was glad that he was slowly warming up to me.

"How do you do this?" Alan asked pushing his paper over to me, "I don't get it." I looked over the problem and carefully wrote out the steps next to the problem to show him how to do it. "Oh okay. I think I get it.'

I nodded. It was a difficult problem and if I was going to be honest, calculus was pretty useless in the long run. As Alan continued to work on his homework I grabbed my book and started to read. After a bit I felt the table shake a little bit and I looked up to see Vic there. I grinned and waved at him but he pouted.

"You never texted me," he said. I groaned internally. I had completely forgotten that he wanted me to text him. I elbowed Alan.

"I'm so sorry, I completely spaced it yesterday,"I signed and waited for Alan to repeat it but he gave me a look.

"You can write, I'm trying to do homework. Besides, I'm not going to help you flirt with one of the stooges."


Alan rolled his eyes. "Yes, Kellin. He's flirting with you and I'm not about to flirt back for you. Do it yourself."

I looked at Vic who was staring at me like a deer in the headlights. I arched my eyebrow as if to say, you're flirting with me?

"Well yeah, sorry if I'm over stepping," Vic said.

I grinned and shook my head. "You're okay," I signed and glared at Alan who gave me a resigned look and set his pencil down.

"He said you're okay." Alan said and I could even tell he was not happy with being my voice for this. I signed something else. "Then he said you're lucky you're cute. Now I am going back to my homework." He glared at me. "Which you're supposed to be helping me with."

Vic gave me a smile, "Should I leave so you can help him?"

I shook my head. He can ask me if he needs help. I wrote and passed it to him. It was kind of flattering that Vic was even flirting with me, I had never really thought about what my sexuality was, to be honest. But, I wasn't freaked out by Vic flirting with me, it was...nice really.

"Can I sit?" I nodded, suddenly feeling rude to have not asked him to do so earlier. Vic smiled and sat across from me. "So, what are you reading?"

I held my book up and showed him the title and felt kind of bad. I could tell he really wanted to talk and get to know me but there were limits to how much I could say and I felt bad for it. It surprised me that he would ever be interested in flirting with me, though. I didn't really understand why he would flirt with me though. There had to have been other people here who would be better to talk to. I didn't have much to offer up to him or anything.

"Is it any good?" Vic asked, taking the book and flipping through the pages. I made a so so motion with my hand. To be honest, it was shit but, it was the book we were reading in English and I just wanted to get it out of the way. "Do you like to read?"

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