Chapter 6

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Alan's POV

My dad would barely look at me after what I had said. It was fucked up what I had said to him and I felt terrible for it, but he wouldn't even talk to me. The only time he would was when he needed help with Leah and that was it.  Not another word was spoken to me by him. I constantly was telling him I was sorry.  He didn't listen to me though and it just made me angrier. I just wanted my dad to talk to me.

It had been a couple day since now. It was Friday and I had already tried talking to him this morning, but he wouldn't say a thing to me.

When we pulled up to the school my dad parked and I turned to look at him. 

"When are you going to talk to me about it?" I asked quietly.

"Just go to school Alan," He said not even facing me.

"Dad please."

"Alan go."


"Get out of the damn car and go to school!" He shouted at him.

Like a switch I was pissed off. I didn't say another word to him as I stormed inside of the building.  I was  fuming as I went to my locker. I grabbed my things and slammed my locker shut. People gave me some looks as I walked through the hallway.   I saw Kellin and Vic talking and I was about to make my way over there, but something else caught my eye.

I saw Austin talking to a girl, doing exactly what he had done to me a few days ago. Leaning into her, nearly kissing her except he did kiss her and she was into it.  I don't know why, but it set me off. I stormed over there and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"What the hell!?" Austin shouted. I saw Vic look over giving me a curious look as I dragged Austin along to the bathroom.

"You think you're so fucking slick don't you!" I shouted at him pushing him against the wall. "You think you can fucking try and kiss me one day and then a few days later kiss someone else! Who the fuck does that! What is your problem!? You like fucking with my head one day, act like I don't exist the next and now you're- you're pursuing another person!   What kind of fucking asshole are you!?"

"Are you done?" He asked calmly.

He was calm and that pissed me off. I hated that. I hated him. I hated what he made me feel and I hated how he was so fucking relaxed about this.

"I'm taking that as a yes. First, Ash calm down you-"

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!"

"I'm not going to sit here while you corner me against a wall if you're just going to fucking yell at me!" He snapped "So calm the fuck down!"

"Why? So you can mess with my head again!? So you can try and corner me to kiss me again!? Is that your fucking goal! To fucking fuck with my feelings!?"

Austin rolled his eyes at me, "Stop being so fucking jealous about me kissing someone else! You're not my fucking boyfriend so get the hell over it!"

I didn't respond. He was right, I wasn't his boyfriend and neither did I want to be.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second.  That was a bad idea because Austin took his chance to switch our places so I was the one against the wall.


I looked up at him wide-eyed, "Leave me alone and go kiss that skank." I spat at him.

"I don't want to kiss her. I want to kiss this jealous boy in the bathroom."

"Well he doesn't want to kiss you."

"He doesn't?"

"Yeah, he doesn't."

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