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일정 = schedule

앞문 = front door

소포 = package/parcel

기념품 = souvenir

기념비 = monument

학업 = studies

사안 = issue/matter

비법 = secret process

형님 = formal way to refer to older male friend

외제 = foreign brand


갈다 = change/replace (a tire/diapers)

갈다 = grind/rub/sharpen (a knife)

꼬집다 = pinch

쌓다 = build up/stack up

기념(하다) = commemorate

뒤따르다 = follow/run after

끌어안다 = pull a person in to hug them

진행하다 = progress

누르다 = press a button/oppress people

누르다 = beat/defeat in a game/ oppress

Passive Verbs:

쌓이다 = to be stacked/build up


화사하다 = bright (a woman's style)

알맞다 = proper/suitable/appropriate

Adverbs and Other Words:

다소 = somewhat/a little bit

맙소사 = oh my god!/oh no!

게다가 = in addition to

상반기 = the first half of the year

하반기 = the second half of the year

무단 = doing something without permission

문득 = suddenly

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In this lesson, you will learn how to say that you are doing something at the same time as something else. The simplest way to say this is to use the grammatical form ~(으)면서, but of course, there are many peculiarities depending on the word. Let's get started.

To do something at the same time as: ~(으)면서

By adding ~(으)면서 to the verb/adjective at the end of a clause, you can indicate that you did that action while doing something else. This form is pretty simple when used with typical verbs:

저는 먹으면서 공부했어요 = I ate while studying

저는 영화를 보면서 콜라를 마셨어요 = I drank cola while watching a movie

저의 여자친구는 운동하면서 운동하고 있는 다른 남자들을 항상 쳐다봐요 = My girlfriend always stares at other guys when she is exercising

Notice that (as is common with Korean connecting particles) the first verb is not conjugated. Rather, only the final verb is conjugated, and tense is implied from that final verb.

What is important to know is that you must use this form whenever you want to say "I grew up doing _____." For example:

I grew up watching TV

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