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Hover your mouse over any word to see examples of that word in use (you probably won't be able to understand the grammar within the sentences at this point, but it is good to see as you progress through your learning).

A PDF file neatly presenting all of these words and example sentences in addition to common usages and specific notes can be found here.

The following words are kept in the order below because this lesson presents them in that order:

모든 __ = every ____

모든 것 = everything

어디나 = everywhere

언제나 = every time

누구나 = everyone

뭔가 = something

어딘가 = somewhere

언젠가 = sometime

누군가 = somebody

아무거나 = anything

아무데나 = anywhere

아무 때나 (언제든지) = anytime

아무나 = anybody

아무것도 = nothing

아무데도 = nowhere

아무도 = nobody

마다 = every

모두 = all

언제든지 = anytime


젓가락 = chopsticks

혀 = tongue

지갑 = wallet/purse

기숙사 = dorm

주소 = address

메뉴 = menu

아시아 = Asia

동남아시아 = south east Asia

눈물 = tears

회의 = meeting/conference

고향 = hometown

휴일 = holiday

아기/애기 = baby/infant


산책하다 = to go for a walk

사귀다 = to go out with/date


무관심하다 = indifferent

심하다 = severe/extreme

Adverbs and Other Words:

하루 종일 = all day long

예전 = old days/past

관심이 있다 = to be interested in*

이 때 = at this moment

Words With *

For help memorizing these words, try using our Memrise tool.


Once again, the vocabulary list of this lesson is the lesson. While all slightly similar, these words are very difficult to understand on their own, so I dedicated an entire lesson to making you understand them. Here, you will learn how to say:

Every ____ (everybody, every time, everywhere, etc...)

Any _____ (anybody, anytime, anywhere, etc...)

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