Chapter 10 - Now do your weirdy eye brain changey wordy thing!

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Just as Aella and Stefan left for the hospital, Jenna arrived at the school for her meeting with Tanner.

Adjusting her jacket, she made her way to the familiar class. Jenna tried to forget that she had already walked this journey quite a few times since becoming guardian to Jeremy and Aella.

Jenna knocked on Tanner's door and opened it quickly, sticking her head in. Tanner looked up and promptly rose, walking over to Jenna with a proud smirk on his face, "Miss Sommers, welcome, please come in."

She shook his hand and walked to the desk he motioned to, immediately sitting on the desk rather than in the desk. Aella was quick to learn and point out that Tanner hated anyone doing it, plus Jenna would be eye level with him.

"So, Mr. Tanner," Jenna asked as she tried not to smirk at Tanner's look of disdain of where she sat. "What is this meeting about?"

Tanner scoffed, and the internal Momma bear started scratching at Jenna's chest, "Where do you start with a child like Jeremy." He stated rather than questioned, "It's only the first week of school, and he's skipped six classes!"

Jenna nodded, concerned, "And which classes are they Mr. Tanner?"

He wasn't expecting that question and sat up straight, a scowl appearing, "Does it matter?"

It was Jenna's turn to now scoff, "Of course it matters, I've had nothing but good reports from other teachers about Jeremy since he returned this week!" She pulled out letters from her bag, handing them to Tanner, "They all say how great Jeremy is and that he's back to his old self! His Art teacher has nothing but praise for the beautiful sketches Jeremy is doing again."

Tanner didn't take the letters, so Jenna stood up and placed them on his desk before she hopped back on the desk, squirming with glee inside when Tanner flinched at the noise. Oh, Aella really knew how to bug her teacher.

"The only person that seems to be saying negative things about Jeremy is you. If Jeremy is only skipping your class, doesn't that say something, Mr. Tanner?" Jenna smiled pointedly at him.

"That is not the point!" Tanner demanded, standing up. "Those kids of yours are a menace and should be taken from their ridiculous guardian and thrown out of this school!"

"Excuse me!" Jenna demanded standing up and facing him eye to eye, Momma Bear was free. "My kids are the most amazing kids who have had to deal with their worst experiences before they're even 18!"

She walked forward poking Tanner in the chest, his face red with anger, "They are twice the person you will ever be and still have more dignity! You have my children for one hour per day and send them home until the next day, you have no clue what a family really is and how we all stick together!"

She poked him again, "Now you will leave my kids alone. If I hear that Jeremy has been mocked or belittled, you better wish you have a good lawyer Tanner, or I'm coming for you!"

Tanner now looked a little pale and Jenna was feeling good, she picked up the letters from Tanner's desk and walked to the door. As she opened it, Jenna glanced over her shoulder, glaring fully at him, "And you better get rid of those delinquent files you have in your top draw by the end of today, or the principal will be informed! Got it?"

Tanner quickly nodded, and Jenna smiled brightly at him, "Don't mess with my kids again, Tanner, I don't like it!"

And with that, she walked out smiling brightly, strutting down the corridor with the song 'He Had It Coming' from Chicago playing in her mind.

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