Chapter 53 - I hate today!

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"How's that feel?"

Aella moaned in relief as Stefan placed the cool cloth on her forehead, with her eyes closed, she nodded slightly, "Better."

Caroline looked over to Stefan; she had forced Aella to lay down when they arrived and quickly inserted herself beneath Aella's stretched out legs. Her focus was only on her best friend, "I don't like this. Aella is never sick."

Stefan raised his brow, looking between all three girls that had seated themselves in his library, "At all?"

Elena shook her head, "Not since arriving in Mystic Falls."

Bonnie nodded at Elena's words, "Grams always tutted it off when I was younger, and I would complain that Aella was never sick when I was. I just thought she was lucky, but now I guess it's her magic."

"Should we contact Nate?" Caroline asked as her worried eyes settled on Aella.

"No," Aella mumbled, shaking her head. "Mmfine, psycho hoodie loose."

Stefan settled a bemused stare on Aella, kneeling next to her, "You are not fine. You need to sleep."

"Noooo," Aella whined, eyes still closed, and words slightly slurred, "Elena trouble."

Stefan frowned over at Elena, who could only nod worryingly, "She's right. I think the vampire that ran me off the road is back, and he knows about Aella."

Stefan nodded, he looked over to Caroline, "You mind watching her so I can talk to Elena and Bonnie next door?"

Caroline didn't take her eyes off Aella as she stroked her best friend's hair, she could see it was comforting Aella, "Would you leave Lexi?"

Stefan smiled briefly at the blonde, even if she didn't see it, "Silly question." His eyes glanced at Aella before he leaned down and lightly pecked her lips, whispering against them, "Sleep."

Aella only nodded slightly, and Stefan stood up and pointed with his head to the door. When they reached the lounge, Stefan sat on the arm of one of the many seats, and waited for the two girls to sit down, "So what happened?"

Bonnie looked to Elena for a moment then turned back to Stefan, "We just left the Grill after lunch when Elena got a phone call. I had stayed to pay, and Aella used the bathroom, so when we came out, Elena was on the phone, and then she started panicking and put the phone on loudspeaker."

"He said I'd hit him with my car," Elena nodded at Bonnie's explanation. "I tried to be ignorant and told him if I'd hit him, he'd be dead, but he just laughed it off saying me and my witchy friend know why that was."

"How did you know he was there?" Stefan asked.

"Aella's car," Elena raised the car keys that had been held tightly in her hands since Bonnie handed them to her as she helped Aella into the house. "We were using Aella's car today. He asked if it was a new one."

Stefan nodded, but furrowed his brow when he thought over what had been said about Aella, "And how did you know he was talking about Aella, why not Bonnie?"

Elena frowned, thinking over the exact words the vampire had used until Bonnie remembered them. Her eyes widened at the meaning behind them, "Because he said 'green-eyed witchy friend,' how would he know the color of Aella's eyes?"

Stefan didn't want to panic as Bonnie and Elena looked to each other at the realization that the psycho vampire had been close enough to Aella to see her eye color. He held his hands up to them, "He could have been across the street and saw them."

An Elemental Difference - AIR - Book 1 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now