Chapter 73 - I'm neither Jesus, nor do I have Alzheimer's!

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Jenna pulled the T-shirt from Aella's head, wincing as her eyes locked on the wound, it was still bleeding, and pieces of the tree Aella collided with were still embedded, "Ohhh, ouch!"

"Yup," Aella nodded slightly, any big moves usually resulted in her throwing up again. "It's a beauty, right?"

Jenna had arrived with Jeremy and had headed straight to Aella to assess her wound. The guardian had the extra-large First Aid kit she'd panicked bought when she was officially told she would be looking after three teenagers.

Jenna opened her first aid kit, "Usually happens when your head becomes friends with a ginormous oak tree. I'm going to get those bits of bark out, and yes, it will hurt."

Jeremy got off the phone with Anna and made his way over the two overhearing their conversation, "Ouch, that's gnarly."

"You!" Aella exclaimed quietly, pointing at the teen. "What's this about you being friends with the enemy? Loyalty dude!"

Jenna winced, "You found out about him and Anna, huh?"

Aella's head turned to Jenna, a little too quickly that had her throwing up again. She coughed out the last bits of vomit she whined into the bucket Elena had replaced the wastebasket with, "Why is everyone in the know but me?"

Jeremy's brow raised, "Oh, I don't know... maybe because you'd kill her?"

Aella's hand just shoved itself in his face, middle finger expressing her feelings.

Jenna pulled her finger and hand down, "Okay, let's try not to do that in front of your guardian!" She turned to Jeremy, "Jeremy, go get some warm water so I can wash her head, and keep Aella from using her magic on you."

Jeremy didn't argue and did what his Aunt asked as Damon returned. With a shirt on, he sat on the coffee table Elena had pulled over so Jenna could put her first aid bag on it. "So, it was definitely Frederick?"

"Yes," Aella looked to him after wiping her mouth. Jenna set her back as Jeremy returned the water and sat it next to Damon. "He looked over at me as he stabbed Stefan in the stomach," she winced as Jenna patted some of the blood away so she could see where the tree bark was. "I'll never forget that smirk."

Elena stepped back into the room sighing heavily after updating Caroline on the situation, she was with Matt, having decided to get away for the day after the previous night with Kelly. She had said she was going to get Matt to bring her back, but Elena had explained it would raise too many questions, plus Aella would want her to be away from here. Caroline had hesitantly agreed but demanded multiple updates. Bonnie had been another story, deciding that the situation between Aella and cousin was in an unusual place. Elena had called Grams instead, who told her she would tell Bonnie and asked to be kept up to date like Caroline.

She walked over and sat on the couch with Jeremy, opposite the sofa Aella laid on. Elena looked at Jeremy, "Did I miss anything?"

Her brother shook his head, "Just that as he stabbed Stefan, Frederick smirked over at Aella, knowing she could see."

The doorbell rang, and Jeremy jumped up, "That will be Anna."

"Oh look, It's the Puterelle!" Aella exclaimed as Jeremy left the room.

The remaining occupants looked to her strangely as Jenna declared, "She's talking nonsense, we're going to the hospital!"

Aella pulled Jenna back down as the guardian stood up, "It's not gibberish, it's an insult from the medieval times! It means a woman with a bad reputation."

An Elemental Difference - AIR - Book 1 (Stefan Salvatore)Where stories live. Discover now