Chapter 50 - Get in Loser, we're going to the Library.

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Jeremy stormed through the school car park pissed off that he wasn't allowed to join Aella and Stefan, or stay at home with Jenna until they heard any news.


Jeremy turned with a glare at who had shouted, while he mentally mocked Jenna's words to him in his head. Only for the glare to fade at seeing his History teacher jogging over to him.

"Hey!" Alaric huffed as he reached him. "How are you after yesterday?"

Jeremy frowned, "Yesterday."

Ric looked at his student in disbelief, "Career night with a mix of a highly-strung Mayor?"

"Oh yeah," Jeremy chuckled nervously. He'd been so focused on Elena, he'd forgotten of the events during career night. "No, I'm fine. Tyler and I talked, it's kinda made our growing friendship stronger."

"That's great!" Ric smiled brightly. "How's your extra credit coming? You pick a topic yet?"

'Shit!' Jeremy thought to himself. He hadn't come up with an idea due to all the drama going on. He shifted his backpack to his other shoulder when he saw a glimpse of Jonathan Gilbert's Diary poking out of his zip.

"Mystic Falls, the Civil War era?" Jeremy questioned rather than stated.

Ric skipped questioning Jeremy on whether he had just come up with the idea, and instead prodded on the details, "Keeping it local... sounds good. What's the angle?"

"Uhhh..." Jeremy was stumped, and once again mentally cursed Jenna for sending him to school. "My family?"

Ric nodded for Jeremy to continue. Instead of having the only teacher, Jeremy actually liked hating him - like the rest of his teachers, Jeremy bit the bullet and hoped Aella, Stefan, or Jenna wouldn't find out what his last-minute idea would be. "I found a journal of an ancestor who lived in the 1800s. And the Gilberts were one of the original Founding Families of Mystic Falls. So..."

"That sounds good," Ric nodded, and Jeremy could only grin tightly as his teacher started walking away. "I look forward to reading it."

Jeremy nodded and saluted his teacher. Mumbling under his breath as he slowly trailed Ric towards the school, "Go to school, Jeremy, no one will question you about anything, thanks a lot, Jenna!"



"So Damon's kidnapped Elena, and Jenna knows about everything?"

Caroline nodded as she and Bonnie walked through the school halls before classes started, "Yup! Aella is pissed!"

Bonnie scowled at the thought of Damon with Elena, "We all are! All night I was up worried where Elena could be, I tried to look for some spell, but I'm not strong enough yet."

"Why don't you try?" Caroline shrugged at her, then noticed Jeremy walking through the school entrance. "Hey, Jer-" Jeremy just stormed past them towards his locker, "-and you are just going to ignore me."

Bonnie ignored Caroline as she talked about the lack of respect in the younger generation, "How do I just try?"

"I don't know..." Caroline pursed her lips. "But I know Aella said that in the past when she's been worried about something she can see that person... that sounds more Bennett-y magic than her Elemental magic, right?"

Bonnie couldn't argue with the logic, "I guess..."

Caroline smiled brightly, "Let's try then," and quickly pushed Bonnie into an empty dark classroom.

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