Chapter 41 - Lexi was always there to save him

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Aella sat eating a Grilled Cheese sandwich Stefan had just made her when she asked Lexi to open up about her and Damon's history, Lexi was surprised by the question until she realised that they had talked about everything else other than Damon. The two were not shocked to see Stefan tense up at the mention of Damon's name, but he quickly relaxed when Aella raised a brow, "We have to talk about him sometime."

Stefan nodded and Lexi took a sip of blood from her mug as she thought of the best way to describe she and the eldest brother had, "To say that Damon looks like the typical vampire romanced about in silly novels, Damon Salvatore has to be the most messed up vampire i've ever met."

Stefan and Aella shared a look at, shocked how easy those words had escaped the blonde's mouth, especially those words. Lexi saw their look, "It's true," she shrugged. "Even after being your best friend for so long Stefan, Damon Salvatore is just a bag of emotions that the vampire in him just magnifies them a thousand times."

Stefan looked uncomfortable as he questioned Lexi, "Even with my Ripper tendencies?"

"More so," Lexi held nothing back. "I've seen Ripper's before, I've heard of Ripper's before, but Damon... I've never seen so much hate and love in one person, let alone a vampire."

"What do you mean?" Aella questioned as she finished her food.

Lexi hesitantly glanced at Stefan, "I never really told you my first experience with Damon, have I?"

Aella realised what she meant when she thought back to her vision the day she met Lexi, and the vision she had of her and Damon... something she and Stefan still didn't know about. Stefan frowned, trying to remember that time, his mind wasn't really on Damon but on trying to get sober for the first time ever, "Didn't he leave that day?"

Lexi nodded taking another sip of her blood,"You were at 'irreparable odds' according to Damon." Lexi finally met Stefan's eyes, although hers felt uncomfortable at revealing what she had kept between her and Damon for nearly 200 years, "But it was his final words that confused the hell out of me."

Stefan moved closer to Lexi, she wasn't usually this hesitant about sharing her experiences with Damon, "And? What were his final words?"

"Help him."

"Help him."

Lexi's eyes widened as Aella mimicked the words she had kept between her and Damon since 1864, her head twisted to stare at the brunette who had sat up in shock, surprised that the words had escaped her lips too, but as quick as their eyes met each others their faces turned to Stefan as he stared down at the counter in his own shock. He had somehow missed Aella's mutterings of the same two words so when he lifted his head he looked directly to Lexi, "He said, 'Help him'?"

"Yeah," Lexi nodded at him, but her eyes glanced at Aella's for second before returning to Stefan's.

"Really?" Stefan questioned again, only now his voice and eyes held a new emotion; hope.

Aella eyes filled with tears at that sound and her hand met Stefan's that lay on the counter, Stefan was surprised at the touch but his eyes quickly met Aella's and she could the slight simmer of tears in those hopeful eyes. Lexi, put her confusion at Aella's slip aside, and smiled at her best friends demeanor over just those two words. But as quickly as the hope had appeared, it disappeared and a frown replaced it as he looked to Lexi, "So what changed?"

Lexi sighed frustratedly, "It's hard to explain... a lot was happening, but it all stems when we met up with Damon again in 1942. It's more of a body language than words, although-" Lexi raised her brows "-words were spoken."

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