Chapter 75 - Miss Muffett

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A/N: Welcome to all new readers. This chapter is dedicated to Chadwick.



When Aella woke that Friday morning, she did not think it would be to the sounds of her boyfriend huffing and puffing, and to the sight of his delicious naked back as he did push-ups on the floor at the end of his bed. Fortunately for her, this had been going on every morning since Stefan fed on her blood three nights ago, and it was something she hoped wouldn't be stopping sometime soon.

Adjusting herself on the bed, she leaned her head on her hand and happily watched him go up and down.

"I know you're awake."

Aella snorted at Stefan's words, "Oh, don't act like this isn't boosting your ego even more than it has the past three mornings. You are loving it."

Holding himself up with one hand, he looked over his shoulder at her and smirked, "And what are you going to do about that?" He quickly sprang to his feet and jumped up to the beams in the roof and began doing pull-ups, his naked torso on full display for her to see.

Falling back on to the pillow, her hair fanning around her head Aella let out a comforting sigh, "Absolutely nothing, but I do wonder, why are you exercising by yourself when you could be exercising with me in your warm and comfy bed."

Stefan paused to smile at her, still hanging in the rafters, "That may have worked the other three days, but if I'm to return to school on Monday, I need your blood out of my system."

He resumed his pull-ups as Aella's arm hid her eyes from him and the room, "Ugh! I don't know if that was a compliment or an insult."

"Aella." Stefan softly called her name, and she slowly removed her arm with a pout to look at him. "Your blood was the most amazing thing I have ever tasted, but this much blood, as amazing as it was, is too much for me."

Aella sat up and let the covers fall to the bed, adjusting her pajama set as she watched him return to pull-ups again, "Are you sure I did the right thing?"

Stefan let go of the beam and joined Aella on the bed, "You did the right thing, and now I have to do the right thing before I let him take over me again."

Aella placed her hand on his face, rubbing the apple of his cheek softly, "I never want to hurt you. I couldn't lose you."

Stefan's hand joined hers, "And that's why it was the right thing, the moment outweighed the consequences. It's just a new learning curve I have to work through. I love you."

"I love you too," Aella softly replied, only to squeal as Stefan placed his sweaty face to hers to kiss her. "You're all sweaty!"

"Oh?" Stefan rose a brow as he raised up from the bed, walking to the door. "So, I'm guessing you don't want to shower with sweaty me either?"

Aella pouted, "No, you woke me up half an hour too early."

"Your loss," Stefan shouted back at her.

Aella stewed on the bed for a few minutes as she heard the shower turn on, and realized her boyfriend was in said shower naked. She had turned him down, muttering to herself she wondered aloud, "Am I denying myself happiness just to teach him a lesson he won't learn from?"

"Yes, you are!"

Aella fell back on to the bed with a groan and muttered a little quieter, "Damn me for having a hot vampire boyfriend with amazing hearing!"

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