chapter 2

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  >> Sometimes we must grow stronger and
You can be stronger when I'm gone
When I'm here, no longer
You must be stronger and

If I could be with you tonight
I would sing you to sleep
Never let them take the light behind your eyes<< 


After few minutes Nishinoya stopped crying and it started to become a little uncomfortable for Asahi to hold him. It would had been strange for them to hugging like this even in high school, but now when the first wave of sudden emotions was over, they didn't know how to react to the closeness, which have become more and more awkward.

Asahi suddenly can't found out what to do with his hands, so he let Nishinoya out of his arms. The small libero take a step back. They can't look at each other, their heads were empty. Asahi felt the raising panic in his chest. What if he just made everything worse?
- Umm... Asahi-san? - Nishinoya was the first breaking the silence, there wasn't any sign left of his break down, but he was seemingly uncomprehending - How and why are you in my bathroom?
- Hugh... - Asahi have realized that he was trespassing, and that he had occurred in the apartment of his former schoolmate without any invitation or indication. It was true that he wanted to meet him again since he graduated, but he was imagining it like meeting him on the street or in a coffee, bar,... when he is at home in Sendai, not breaking in to his house.
- Tanaka called me, and asked... ohm demand me to come... - he mumbled self-conscious.
- Oh? - Nishinoya replied surprised - Why?
- He worried about you...
- He shouldn't I am fine...
- Are you?
- Of course I am! - He sounded irritated a bit.
There was some uncomfortable silence between them.
- You were in a fight? Why? Did you start it? - Asahi's voice was soft, but concerned.
- What did Tanaka said to you? - Nishinoya replied cautiously.
He didn't want Asahi to know these things, he would be embarrassed. After all, he has appeared in his bathroom when he touched the bottom, beaten up, dirty, he didn't have a proper sleep in few days, his hair was a mess, his clothes were a mess, his house was a mess... He was a mess. And Asahi... he didn't fit in this picture. He was even taller than in high school, his green shirt brought out the lines of his muscles, probably he was still doing some kind of sports. He still have long hair, maybe a little longer, but it wasn't in a messy bun, like every day when they were teammates, instead he has it pinned back with a headband, like coach Ukai have had it.
Asahi's face was shaved, and everything on him was telling Nishinoya how well he take care of himself... or how well someone take care of him, he remind himself, Asahi was there for nearly three years, he could have a girlfriend for what he have known.
- Nothing concrete. He just said that you are having a hard time.
- Fine. It was just... nothing - he grinned forcefully. He didn't want to bother Asahi with his shitty life.
The taller guy's eyes were investigating every inch of the libero's body carefully.
He reached for Nishinoya's hand nearly unintended.
- What are you doing? - Noya blushed from sudden touch.
- It wasn't fight... You don't have any mark on your fist, you didn't punch back... - Asahi said it slowly, still thinking while he spoke - They just beat you up, weren't they?
Nishinoya pulled away his hands so fast, like Asahi was going to hurt him.
- No! - He answered without thinking, but then slowly realized the dark brown eyes that fixated him with worry.
- Fine! They did - he sighted resignedly.
- Nishinoya... - Asahi's voice break mid sentence, but his eyes had an aggressive light in them, which Nishinoya have seen only on the court before he spiked - Why?
This little world has had so many emotions in it that Nishinoya had to do a step back. He can't face the other one; he glared on his own shoes. His hip had hurt him; he can't stand at his right leg properly.
- I... - he started, but felt too ashamed to continue - I don't want you to know, Asahi-san...
- Was it a stranger?
- No... - Nishinoya replied with growing discomfort.
- Someone from the colleague? - There was a growing tension in Asahi's voice.
- Maybe...
- Yes or no?
- Yes... - Nishinoya started hyperventilating, the shame colored his face red.
- It happened only once?
- No...
Asahi have never been an aggressive person, he was rather a coward than a hero, but fortunately he has always had an appearance of a delinquent so others  left him alone. He always thought that Nishinoya is the exact opposite of him. He was small with innocent look of a happy child, he was noisy, full of energy, he was never ashamed of doing something he likes, and he was the first to help anyone in need. Why would anyone want to hurt him? Asahi always had a really strong feeling that forced him to make the little libero happy, because he wanted to see his smile. Back in high school he thought it was because of his childish nature, that was so adorable, and that everybody thinks about Noya like this. He felt a pressure in his chest growing. Why would anyone purposely make Nishinoya cry? It never happened to him before, but now he hated those people although he didn't know them, or their cause, but he was positive that it can't be because Noya did something wrong.
Now he takes few seconds to look at the other one.
Nishinoya was in bad shape, he was just as small as he was back, when they were friends, but his hair wasn't standing upwards, so he seemed even smaller. Now that Asahi could observe him better he saw more signs of abuse. Under his left eye was a light shadow indicating that he probably has been hit there some days, maybe a week ago. His new injuries pissed Asahi off more than anything has before. Nishinoya was staring on the floor without blinking; his hands were clinched in fist. He has a really concentrated expression, and the spiker could tell that he was fighting with his tears. But then Asahi had finally realized the strange way the libero was standing, his weight was just on one of his legs.
Asahi remembered how he found Noya... he was taking care of a bruise on his hip.
- How severe are your injuries?
- Bearable...
- I will help you take care of them.
- W... what? Asahi-san, you don't have to! - Nishinoya reacted strongly.
- Come on - Asahi forced himself to give him smile - Do you have a first aid kit? Ice? And you should probably sit down... Do you need help with moving to your room?
Nishinoya sighted a little.
- NO, I can go by myself. I don't have any first aid tools just one bandage in my room... but there is ice in the fridge.
He took few steps, but there was a big amount of pain and he was a little unstable.
Asahi helped him where he could, even though he said he didn't need it. The taller guy had a hard time to found spots on Nishinoya's body where he could touch him without causing more pain, like touching one of the dozens of bloodshot.
- Asahi you're too gentle. I ain't made of glass - Nishinoya said jokingly to reduce his discomfort, but he was rewarded only with a dark look on Asahi's face.
- Please, don't try to make fun of it... I am in a really bad mood and I want to hurt the person who did this to you even more...
- Asahi... - the libero's eyes have widened. He never ever seen Asahi being aggressive, he was always trying to avoid every confrontation.

They didn't talk much while Asahi helped him to lie down, and then bring ice and put it on the bigger injuries, even rolled up Nishoya's T-shirt to have a closer look on his hip, where was a hematoma under and around the bruise. Asahi gently cleaned out the mud from the wound with a wet towel.
- We are done, is there anything else I can do for you? - He asked while putting away everything he used.
- Thank you - Noya whispered.
- I have to go now, but I will walk you to school tomorrow, when is your first class? - Asahi said with a restrained voice.
Nishinoya glanced up to him, but he was already turned towards the door, so everything the small boy saw was his back, and his slightly strained shoulders.
He was so surprised that he just blew out
- At eight...
- Alright, I will be here at half. Be ready. Good bye Nishinoya - with this he left, didn't leaving time for the libero to protest.

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