chapter 17

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A.N.: If someone interested, there is the calendar of the school year in Chiba's university.

so they start the new year in April, they have 6 semesters (2 months each) and they have a summer break in September.
Otherwise, this chapter is one day, just to close and solve some of Asahi's problems, not just Nishinoya's :D There will be one more part, an Epilogue after this, and then I want to rewrite at least the first few chapters (this was the first time I wrote anything in English and I think I improved a lot from the first chapter and now I could express myself better in the beginning of the story too).

>> You're more than everything I need
You're all I ever wanted
All I ever wanted

And I just wanna wrap you up
Wanna kiss your lips
I wanna make you feel wanted
And I wanna call you mine
Wanna hold your hand forever
And never let you forget it<<

Asahi woke up to the permanent gentle pushing on his shoulder.
- Come on, Asahi, you slept enough!
He only responded with a sleepy "mmm" and pulling the too much awake boy closer, partly because it felt so warm and he had a really good smell from the last night's shower, but on the other hand it was perfect for preventing more pushing.
- Asahi-san – Nishinoya whined clinched in embrace. He got a habit of using san after his boyfriends name only when he really wanted something.
- What time is it? – Asahi yawned while releasing the squirming boy.
- It's already half past six. I wanted to wait for you to wake up, but you took so long...
A growl left Asahi as he turned away, pulling the cover over his head.
- Maybe because it's practically still night.
- Nyaaa, Babe! Binnie Bear~ - Nishinoya sang pleadingly, shaking the bigger male.
- Let me sleep, you weirdo – a drowsy voice come in response.
Asahi didn't need to leave for work until ten, so he still had more than two hours of sleep, not to mention that after Nishinoya felt asleep on Asahi last night, he carried the small boy in the bed and then stayed up to study for his class. It might be just a crash-curse but he still wanted to perform well on his upcoming exam to become a volleyball referee.
It won't be enough to quit his job, not as he would want to, he liked the small shop (actually it was a tea shop, still a shop, right?), but it will be a nice side job while he could do something he enjoys.
Nishinoya climbed out of the bed, unsuccessful in waking up his boyfriend.
- Then I will do breakfast...
- Fine – Asahi relaxed that he could continue his sleep, but it didn't last long.
As the first noise of a falling plot hit his ear and the realization hit him, he was already on his foot, running down to the kitchen.
- What's up? – Mimi looked out of her room.
The sleepy mumbling followed it from the guest room. The summer vacation just started two days ago, because Asahi have to work for a few days longer and Nishinoya will have a match in three days so he couldn't skip practice, the house practically became a summer camp.
- Noya is cooking! – Asahi was mortified and with reason.
Mimi's face became pale too; she remembered the last time too brightly to be calm.
- How could you let him?! – They were rushing on the stairs together.
- Noya, stop! – Mimi shouted as they saw the little boy preparing to make eggs.
Asahi have longer legs, and he was already next to him, grabbing the libero around his waist and lifting him away from anything dangerous for him or for the whole household.
- Asahi! Aren't you exaggerating? – A little annoyance could be heard in his voice.
- Considering the past? He is not – Mimi answered while her housemate put down his boyfriend on a chair.
- That sounds like a good story – Tanaka came down after them laughing.
He gave a small peck on Mimi's face as he passed her. They weren't a couple, not really, but after Suga's birthday Tanaka visited Nishinoya oddly more than before, although Mimi and him both agreed that they live to far away from each other for anything serious. They haven't even done anything to controversial for a long time, until some guy catcalled Mimi on the street and Tanaka formed a one man protection squad for her. They slowly grow closer after that, and when the anniversary of Mimi's worst day came closer and she started to be more and more quiet, Tanaka closed the restaurant for a week to be with her. When she was back to her old self, the two of them were like a couple, although no one said it out loud.
- Ryuu, tell them they are exaggerating! –Nishinoya whined on the chair - Last time was an accident, even the...
- We're not talking about stuff like this – Mimi made him stop.
- Why are you all so noisy? - Sugawara was the first to come out from the guest's room with a grumpy grimace on his face – Coffee?
He was too sleepy to politely ask for it.
- Please, someone make him a coffee – Daichi followed him, still yawning - He gets all cranky when he doesn't get enough sleep.
Asahi, who in the mid time was quietly napping, leaned on his small boyfriend, making sure that he stays safe and away from the kitchen decided to join the conversation. – That's true. Watch this.
He turned to the silver haired guy, who till now didn't care to listen to the conversation.
- Hey, what's up, Suga?
The answer was more like a growl than actual human voice.
- Get out of my face!
Asahi laughed it off, he knew that his friend didn't meant it; it was just morning-Suga.
- Oh my god, I can't believe Sugawara-san has a grumpy side to! – Nishinoya was amused a little more than what was reasonable for the situation but it disappeared as Asahi leaned back on him to continue his nap.
- Asahi! Don't sleep on me! – He whined, trying to escape.
- Hah, Big guy, Noya tired you out last night? – Tanaka teased them, what would make Asahi blush, if he wasn't already half-asleep.
- If you mean sex, they definitely didn't have it last night – Mimi replied to him with calm voice as she started to prepare coffee.
- How you know? - Daichi was quite curious about anything that he could use to mock his friends.
- Nishinoya doesn't care if I know how good Asahi is – she shrugged her shoulders, but seeing the uncomprehending faces around her she added – I mean, he is so loud, the whole neighborhood hears it, and I think everyone wants to have sex with Asahi, if he is at least half as good as it sounds.
- HEY! – Nishinoya complained loudly while blood rushed in his face, but he can't resist to whisper just enough loud for everyone to hear – He is...
- You are noisy! – Sugawara bellyached at the loud laughing that followed.
Nishinoya started to gently push Asahi off of himself.
- Okay, the older generation really should go back to sleep – Tanaka added while looking around, Asahi barely awake, Daichi yawning constantly, and Sugawara who... Who was looking without blinking on the basket of fruits like it murdered his family – We will make the breakfast! You can count on your underclassmen!
Asahi glanced on Nishinoya and then on Tanaka with doubt.
- Come on... I owe a restaurant; I can take care of my bro in the kitchen!
- I don't need a baby sitter, I lived alone for years – Nishinoya complained.
Asahi left with a sight, he really needed more sleep. It didn't even need to be mentioned that it wasn't Nishinoya who convinced him. As much as he loved the tiny and energetic libero, he can't even imagine how he stayed alive on only take-away food for so long.

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