chapter 7

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>> How did you get here and when did it start?
An innocent child with a thorn in his heart

What kind of world do we live in
When love is divided by hate
Losing control of our feeling
We all must be dreaming his life away
In a world so cold <<


One of his co-workers asked Asahi for a swap in their schedules, so for once he was early, waiting before the already known building of the local university.
He still have half hour before the concerted time when he met Nishinoya there, and at least 20 minutes before his last class finishes.

Three weeks have passed since they reunited, and the bruises have slowly faded away on the small boys body (he get some new ones once, but they weren't serious, and he hid it from Asahi for a few days, and later when he found out they had a little fight because of it), he was a lot more energetic, and each day he more resembled to his past happy self. The fact that he befriended some other students helped a lot too, although the spiker haven't met them yet, but the most helpful for the libero's mentality was that he joined for some practices to the neighborhood association volleyball team where Asahi and his friends played. He actually blossomed on the court; he amazed everyone with his fast reflexes and precise digs. Asahi couldn't be prouder on him, or happier because of having his "guardian deity" playing with him again, and see his smile left a warm feeling in his chest.
In the past days Asahi spend the most of his time with Nishinoya, sometimes he stayed with him playing videogames in the libero's apartment, or they just talked about old times, for a few times Asahi have cooked for them, those times Nishinoya always acted like the older guy made him a five start dinner, but it was something really easy all the time. The small touches between them were getting more and more common, even Nishinoya thought that it would be ridiculous to freak out because of a little touch when he cried out his eyes in a public place, clinging on him.
When they weren't together, they have texted each other. Mimi accused his housemate that he is dating someone, so Asahi had to tell her that he is just talking with an old friend, and she would maybe even believe him, he wasn't so flustered, but she didn't asked more, she was just happy for him after everything that happened in their past, and she knew that she don't need to push, Asahi will told her everything if there will be something serious.

There were still few minutes left till the end of Nishinoya's class when the spiker felt the urge to go and find the student's bathroom. When he finally founded it at the end of the hallway he entered it with a bit of hurry. In there where already two other guys, talking to each other, and they didn't even give a second glance to the outsider.
- I know, right? Those stupid second years want back the deviant libero! - The blonde one said laughing to his friend.
Asahi stopped in the movement and couldn't help himself to eavesdrop to the conversation, he was nearly sure they are talking about Nishinoya.
- Just imagine he was creeping about us the whole time we changed together... - the other guy was a little shorter, but athletic, black haired with an accentuated nose.
- He was creeping about me, disgusting - the blond one with blue eyes imitated vomiting - He kissed me that should be illegal. Little faggot
- I remember it, it was funny to watch. How he run out of your house, I thought he would start crying - with every word, and with every sound of laughing Asahi's vision started to turn more and more red.
- Yeah, but maybe I shouldn't have reacted like this. You know... the kiss was sooo disgusting, but I bet he would be up to it if I would want to use him in little different ways - he laughed so hard, that he had difficulties breathing.
Asahi felt nauseous, barely realizing someone has left the bathroom.
- He is so short; he wouldn't even need to kneel...
This was the breaking point for Asahi, he never used his strength against others outside the court, but now they crossed a line, a really important line.
(In the same time Nishinoya just finished his last class, he couldn't even left the classroom yet when Haku came to him running)
Asahi grabbed the shirt of the blonde, he know him from the stories Nishinoya told him, so he have a lot more reasons behind pushing Kenichi to the wall than just the conversation he overheard.
The brunette was a little shorter than the setter, but he was definitely having more muscles.
- You know what? You are the only disgusting one!
Kenichi looked surprised and a little afraid of the guy who attacked him; he could felt the anger radiating from him, and now he was sure he never saw him before on the campus.
- Hey, slow down big guy - he tried to get out of the situation but the pressure have only increased, his clavicle started to ache under the strong hands. Maybe I have slept with his girlfriend, he thought to himself.
- I can explain...
- Asahi! - There was a familiar voice shouting from the door, and in this moment have Kenichi realized that the guy attacking him was actually pissed because of the things he said a few moments before, and he was truly amazed by it, he didn't think it was offensive at all, it was only the truth.
- Please - Nishinoya have had a shortness of breath showing that he had run here.
Asahi have slowly calmed down, and let Kenichi go. The black haired got to him instantly, helping the setter to stand.
- Noya, I am sorry - Asahi said with a blush on his face stepping closer to the door, but it wasn't the sweet and cute kind of blush the libero liked so much on him, it was full of regret and shame.
- Just another deviant - Kenichi hissed with evilness in his voice - Noya, it looks like you have a thing for big boys, you must like it rough.
He wouldn't let go any opportunity to harm the small boy's emotions, especially not after he was embarrassed like this because of this small trash.
The little teardrop in Nishinoya's eyes provoked Asahi's not even nearly fully eased anger even more. He turned around and punched the setter's cocky face. He wasn't thinking the movement was all the anger, instinct and adrenalin.
- What the fuck man? - His friend gasped while Kenichi's nose started to bleed.
Asahi was still standing there like he was ready to fight; even Nishinoya had a light shiver looking at a furious giant, so the two volleyball players thought it is better to go.
- Just don't think that you can go away with this - the black haired said, as they left the scene.
- Noya...- Asahi whispered, with a little crack in his voice, seemingly shocked - I hit someone...
- I know, I saw it - he sighted, while stepping next to him.
Asahi looked down on him, the tension was still in him but he seemed ready to cry too, still trembling from adrenaline. Even if he acted like a scary bad guy in previous moments, Nishinoya knew him, and the fact, that his heart was made of glass.
- Thank you for defending me - he said with little smile - But I don't want you to get in trouble because of me... I know you are not like this.
- You don't know what they said... I... I just wanted them to shut up.
- I know this feeling - he smiled bitterly, but then looked in Asahi's eyes seriously, placing one hand on his chest to calm him down his heavy breathing - I am used to it, but you could have been hurt.
- I don't want you to be used to it - he leaned a little against the libero.
They were standing there for a few seconds, looking in each other's eyes. Nishinoya could see that something was really different in his former upperclassman. There was a tension in him, all powerful and wild, something very similar like he was on the court, and he can't forget the fact that Asahi stepped out of his comfort zone, picked up a fight,... just because to defend his honor.
The heat of their body's closeness felt like a tingle all over his skin, while his heart tried to escape his ribcage.
- Fuck - Asahi broke the silence, leaning over the distance between them.
His lips were soft and warm; as they meet Nishinoya's cracked ones causing his brain to shut down.
The smaller just stood there for a while, but when Asahi give up, and started murmuring a "sorry", he realized what's happening and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him back in the kiss.
It was a desperate kiss, full off instincts, desire and the emotional ups and downs they have gone through. Nishinoya opened his mouth, and Asahi immediately deepened the kiss with his tongue, his big hands fondling the libero's hips and back.
They didn't notice when there moved to the wall, Nishinoya just felt the cold pressure against his back as the contrast to the warm body against his. He pulled Asahi closer, with both hands hugging his neck. It wasn't romantic, it was indelicate and fast, a way to put the aggression away, but full of need to touch and feel each other closer.
The taller guy left his lips when he felt the pain in his chest because he forget to breath for a while, but before he could start to complain, there were kisses and small bites on his neck making him a hot mess of pleasure. Asahi was definitely good in what he was doing, he definitely practiced this before.
Nishinoya throw his head back, granting better access to his sensitive skin, where his shoulders meet his neck, a quiet moan escaping his mouth.
Asahi's legs have come between his thighs, his foot nearly didn't touch the floor, but the taller guy was holding him steady, a little in the air. Then there were lips on lips again, and Noya just wanted more, he nearly climbed Asahi, as he tried to be closer to him, there was no such a thing as being close enough. He just wanted more and more...
A dull voice from outside the bathroom have broke the magic, they both stopped, opening their eyes, and their brains have restarted.
Nishinoya felt his heart breaking, when Asahi instead of the overwhelming happiness and desire the he felt, had looked back on him terrified.
- Oh god, I am sorry, Nishinoya - he blushed, and moved away quickly, letting the other one to stand on his own feet.
Nishinoya felt empty, his body missed Asahi's warmth, and he didn't know what to do with his hands now that he couldn't hold the older boy. The sadness and the fear of rejection burnt his chest, his every little cell screamed "Not again", and the whole situation was too similar to another one, when he let himself to show his emotions.
- I shouldn't have attacked you like this, I should have asked, and ... and... fuck, I forced myself on you, didn't I? I am just as bad, as them - the spiker was near of having a panic attack - I am so sorry... it was just a rush...
The smaller have experienced a relief and breaking heart at the same time. Asahi wasn't disgusted he was worrying because of him, but at the same time it was just a stupid mistake, he didn't want him, he just happened to be there...
- You are so stupid! Yeah, you should have asked? Warn me? Something like this, and then maybe I wouldn't stood there like this for first minutes, and maybe a public restroom isn't the best place for this kind of interaction, but after all, I clearly remember kissing you back, so don't worry it happened with my consent... - he hide the aching pain in his chest and the dull knot in his stomach and rather tried to convince the delicate heart of his Ace that he didn't do anything wrong so don't be too hard on himself.
- Oh - Asahi blushed a little with nervous laugh - Yes, you are right. Sorry. Just you know, the adrenalin, and I was freaking out, and you were there, all kind and caring... But it was really nice... You know... Oh, sorry, I am rambling....
Nishinoya had to remember himself, to not over think. This was just because of the situation, it doesn't meant that this gentle giant would want to kiss him, or have something with him if he wouldn't been so freaked out then there is no way he would do this...
Asahi was blushing again. The silence grow more and more uncomfortable, neither of them know what they should say to the other one.
After few minutes passed, and they still just stand there looking on the floor, Nishinoya couldn't take the awkward silent.
- Couldn't we just act like it didn't happen? - He was blushing, and wanted to disappear.
- I would be more than happy...

This night both of them went home with a bittersweet taste on their lips.

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