chapter 13

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A.N: I am sorry this chapter took nearly twice as much time than the previous ones. I had some problems in real life and I can't always wrote as much as I want (I didn't have concentration for it) -> sorry if this chapter is a little unorganized for the same reason. I promise the next one will be better.

>> When you can say, and I can say
We loved with every step we take, I'll be okay

How do you love when your heart is broken?
How do you speak when you feel outspoken?
I can forgive and be forgiven
By learning to heal with a heart wide open<<


The girl's skin was sweaty as she pressed herself against him. The flashing lights and the loud music made his head dizzy, they take over his mind, and that was exactly what he needed now.
The rhythm dominated in his thoughts, his heartbeat matched the music very easily erasing all the sadness inside him. He needed distraction and that was exactly what the party and the person before him could offer.
A hot breath and a scent of violet deodorant have reached him as the blonde girl leaned even closer; her lips nearly touched his ears.
- Follow me, handsome – she said just as loud as it should be for him to hear it and then pressed a quick kiss on his face, enough close to his lips that he could get the meaning behind her words.


Mimi spent her Saturday night just as the most of them, sitting in the couch, rolled up in a blanket and reading while a bowl of chocolate cookies rested in her lap, when the phone started to ring next to her.
She was perfectly aware that it wasn't her, but when she saw the caller's name on the screen she can't resist picking it up.
- Asahi-san – a sobbing voice of a small libero turned to excited– You answered! I just want to tell you I miss you!
- Noya, my dear, it's me, Asahi is in the shower – her heart was aching for these two people, both of them deserved the best, but they just keep hurting each other.
The disappointed 'Oh' from the other side made her regret answering the call and giving him hope.
- Yo Asahi, please forget this! – a stranger's voice shouted unexpectedly. It was a strong voice of a man, but somehow not as deep as for example Asahi's.
She heard a sound of arguing in the background.
'Ryuu give me back!'
' I will give you back when you sober up!'
- What is going on? – Mimi asked suspiciously– Who are you?
-Tanaka Ryuunosuke - a proud voice from earlier answered, while the fighting seemed to end - And you are probably Asahi's pretty housemate. Yuu told me about you.
- I prefer to be called Naomi – she rolled her eyes to the obvious trying of the boy.
- Even your name means "straight beautiful" – his voice sounded like he was surprised that something like this could even happen.
- Thanks for letting me know, I nearly forgot that I can speak Japanese – she won't fall for something as obvious as this flirt, and this wasn't even the first time she heard it. Not to mention she had enough bad experience from smooth boys for all of her life.
- No need to be so witty – he sounded a little hurt.
- No need to be so cheesy – Mimi answered little kinder.
- I think I like you – there was amazement in his voice, and it was so out of the place right now that the girl can't fully hide her giggle.
- Whatever – she acted annoyed - What is going on with Noya-san?
- Sincerely? – Tanaka's voice changed into a more serious and a little amount of worry sneaked in it - I don't know. I thought he is finally over Asahi, you know, he was all energetic, buggering around for days, met everyone he could, and today we went on a party, he was chatting with this really nice girl, and they disappeared for a while, but then I found the girl all upset and she said when the thing were starting to get serious Yuu started crying and left her there. So I went to found him and there he was calling Asahi.
- I see... I don't know what we should do with them...
- Yeah, I hope they get over it soon. I don't know what I could tell him, I never have this kind of problem...
- You must be lucky, Tanaka-san!
- Oy, you are talking to Tanaka? – a laugh come from her back – I didn't speak to him for ages!
- Is that Sugawara's voice I heard? – a confused boy on the other end asked whit excitement.
- I shouldn't be surprised you two knew each other...

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