chapter 11

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>> Oh no, where did all the years go
And was it really worth all of this

Heartache that was handed to me
Holding on just don't make sense
But the hardest part of letting go
Is tryin' to find a way
To let you know

So we'll just cry, cry
On each other's shoulders
Cry until it's over
Can't it just be over
And we'll just cry, cry
Cry until it's all gone
Been holding on for too long
Time for us to move on
I'm tired of tryin' to find a reason why
So let's just cry <<

Asahi knew that Mimi wants to have a sleepover with her college friends, so he tried his best to get home before they arrive. He was planning to spend his night locked in his room, watching some film, maybe chat with Noya if he has time, and definitely not meeting some random guy Mimi wants set up for him, he have already found the only one who he wants to meet. He never thought Nishinoya could feel towards him anything similar that he felt, but this morning gave him hope, and tomorrow he will tell him about Mimi and maybe about Hino too.
- I am home! - He called out as soon as he entered their house.
- Oh, hey there. You were fast - Mimi appeared in the door with cunning smile, welcoming her housemate with a hug.
- Is anybody here yet? - The girl's expression told him that probably the guy she picked out for him was somewhere in the house already.
- Just Marui and Noya-san. You will see he is adorable, and he plays volleyball, so you two will have a common interest.
Asahi's word slowed down for a moment just to start spinning with incredible speed. He was used to blush, he actually believed that half of his blood must be constantly ready to accumulate in his face, but now he was pale and frightened, because they never talked about this part of his life, and he knew what have it seemed like.
- Noya? Nishinoya is here?
Mimi's sly face turned to surprised and then watching Asahi she started to realize that what she did was an enormous fail.

- As... Asahi - the libero was standing in the hallway shocked.
Nishinoya still refuses to believe what looks like the only possible solution why would a handsome and perfect guy live together with a pretty and kind girl. What was he thinking? He was weak, and loud, a shrimp, and an absolute childish mess. What was he hoping for? He should know it better, the perfect people belong together. But still, why would Asahi done something like this, not to him, but to Mimi? She was the best friend anyone could imagine, and she was so trusting and altruist...

- I have to go - he mumbles and runs out of the house, his shoes carrying in his hand, because he can't stay there any longer, he can't look at Asahi, or the caring Mimi who they have betrayed.
He is running, repeating the same mantra in his mind: Don't cry! Don't cry! Just until home, don't cry!
Nearly reached the end of the street, a few houses away of situation that was burned in his memory, when a strong hand grabbed his wrist and he nearly fall back. It is Asahi, he knows it is him, but right now he can't be near him, he needs time to process everything, and he can't think whit his touch on him, reminding him of the shared hugs and kisses.
He pulled away his hand whit all of the strength he has.
- Noya! What happened?
- You! You happened! How could you? Mimi-san is so kind, and beautiful! How could you...?
- How can I what? - The spiker's voice was vague, full of fear that Nishinoya have translated to himself wrongly as the fear of being caught being unfaithful.
- You just wanted to experiment or what? You just played with me while cheating on her? She is the best girlfriend anyone could want! - the libero was feeling empty, he still can't believe any of this is happening, for now he was going for the easiest feeling, the one he still had enough power for, anger. Anger because someone hurt his friend, who definitely didn't deserve this, and anger, because he didn't notice it sooner and he participated in it, and anger against himself because he still wished that it didn't end, he wished he was clueless and happy.
- Noya, I promise it is nothing like that! I wasn't experimenting... Mimi and I... - he was desperate but the younger one was hurt, and angry, and his feelings were leading him, so he didn't let him finish.
- You weren't? Then everything you did was out of pity? You just pitied me and that is why... I thought you and me... you just made everything worse!
- Nishinoya, please... you get it wrong. Just let me explain! - Asahi looked on him pleading, his anxiety definitely evolving as the conversation continued, and Nishinoya had to bite his mouth to resist his instincts that told him to comfort the trembling giant. It was terrifying how much the older one affected him even in this situation. He needed to leave as soon as he can, before doing something stupid making it worse. Their friends appeared behind the spiker; Mimi looked like she was on the edge of crying. Nishinoya had to disappear, he can't take this.
- I don't want explanation! Let me go! - he shouted on him, the only reason he was in Chiba, the only one he can't let go after high school, the one he gave anything just for the possibility to seeing him again - I don't want to see you again!
- Noya!
There was loud shooting behind him as he run away with the fastest speed he could.

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