chapter 12

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>>You won't go lonely into this fight,
If you just hold me we will survive.

Every time the rain comes down
I'm the one who'll be around
I'll become a part of you and share your pain.
Every time the rain comes down
I'ma lift you off the ground
Gonna grab your hand and take you far away. <<

It was Wednesday already. Until now Noya was trying to spend all his time with his family or Tanaka, once meeting up even with Hinata and Kageyama. The two volleyball dork didn't go to college because they joined a professional team together and Mondays were their day off.
Nishinoya was seeking distraction really hard in order to stay sane and not breaking down before others, but he failed it just a day before. On Tuesday, Ryuu was cooking for him, because he wanted Noya to taste his new specialty for the restaurant, and he suddenly remembered how Asahi was preparing food for him a few days before, how happy he was then, and he just started crying. He couldn't stop it anymore, the tears just ran down on his cheeks, scaring the shit out of his bro who at first thought that he was doing something wrong or his friend hates the food this much, but even when Noya managed to articulate Asahi's name just enough for his friend to understand he couldn't do anything helpful and it frustrated him that he can't make his best bro feel better.
It is not like the libero wasn't crying before, he did, one night in his bed, or once under the shower, only when he was alone and he started to think about the past week, but he tried to cover his sadness.
His mum and dad were acting like they are just happy to see him, didn't push for answers, but he still felt their concerned looks on himself when they thought he wasn't aware of it. Only his little sitter Mei, who had all the stubbornness and energy a nine year old soccer player girl could have in herself said out loud that something is strange and "bad" about him, but their dad talked whit her in private, and next time she met her big brother she was all cuddly, gave him her favorite fluffed animal and told him that she is sorry for bothering him. Mei was the best sister anyone could wish for, full of happiness and admiration, but at the same time she was even more energetic and sometimes more careless about everything than the libero. She was like her brother, just more. The smallest one in the class, not to mention the soccer club, but if she got serious even her male upperclassmen were intimidated by her intensity.
Nishinoya still declined every call from his friends from Chiba, but now, he was alone in his room. His parents had to work, and Ryuu can't neglect the restaurant anymore, his friends were away in college or in school, so he decided to read the messages he got, of course not all of them. He can't get himself to open the chat with Asahi, and after Sunday he didn't get new messages from him either, not like he have read those from before.
The others were just confused, asked what happened, or why he wasn't in school.
He left Mimi to the last.
The first few were just asking him if he is alright, what happened, what was this with Asahi, but then as the time passed the messages got more and more worried, and not just about him but she was concerned about Asahi too.
Sunday afternoon:
/please answer me!
/ Asahi has shut me out completely, this is the first time that he have done something like this.
/ I want to help both of you, but nobody says me anything!
/At least answer Asahi! He just had a break down about you ignoring his messages for no reason.
/ You act really childish! Ayu is worried too.
/ why you didn't come to eat with us?
/ Noya! You weren't at any of your classes! Are you aware of the fact that the end of semester is nearly here and we have final exams?
/Something happened to you? Are you ill?
/ Please send just one message for anyone to let us know you are alive and well.
/you are not here, again
/ I called every hospital near to roll out the possibility that you were in an accident
/ I will call the cops I think if you don't answer soon. We are worried. We were at your house, but you weren't at home or just didn't let us in
/ you are so damn childish! Would an "I am ok, I will go home for few days" message is too much to ask? The police called your parents they said you are there.
/ I swear I want to choke you, we were worried!!

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