Chapter 1

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3 AM

I woke up from bed and knew that I had to get ready for work. Working is a struggle to me, going to Tijuana. It takes me about 20 hours to get there that I always get to work at night. Once my shift is over I have to go all the way home.

I got changed and all, then I made my lunch and breakfast. Then there goes the shootings again. I just kept on going and then got out of the house. I kept on walking that the shooters were still shooting all the people and shit. It didn't concern me because they were my "friends", no they were just my drug dealers. I do drugs rarely, but I drink too much Monster now, like 5 cans everyday. I need it to keep myself awake and be energized which it works but then I turn weak in the end.

As I went to the bus stop they were having the radio that were talking about Slash's new album "World On Fire" is coming in September. I decided to hear closely. "Also his 2nd to last concert is going to be at Los Angeles in the Forum, at Inglewood." Then that was it, that's all they said. Then my bus came and I got in.

I found my seat and saw Xavier, my very close friend, laying back on the seat, then I woke him up and he said, "pinche Montserrat, what was that for pendeja"

Pinche: fuckin

Pendeja: stupid girl

"Shut up Xavier and scoot over" I said.

"No, sit here", he said grinning patting his lap.

I give him the stare which meant to just move or I'll just sock you in the face.

"Okay sorry shit", he said and moved over.

Xavier was a dumbass, he never graduated middle school, doesn't have a job, which I let him use some of my money. He lost his family too but when he was just 3 years old. He's the one who still got me into Slash, he plays guitar and we always talk about how we wish to meet Slash one day.

I sat down and he says,"how was your sleep?"

"Good, I guess", I said.

"Did you bring la Maria?", he asked.

I get to my bag and take out the Marijuana and then Xavier gets excited. What a pothead. I hate Marijuana, I like crystal and heroine better for some reason.

"Thank you babe", Xavier said trying to give me a kiss, but I push him away and said, "you're welcome".

That's one thing I disliked about him, he tries to get to me when he knows that I don't like him like that, and he always calls me "babe".

It was 2 PM and the bus stopped for a break and that's when I left the bus and decided to get a cigarette even though I don't light it up. I don't like smoking, I just like injecting and sniffing. Strange I know but oh well.

"So..", says Xavier leaning to the stop sign. "How's between you and that shooting machine?"

By the way he doesn't live in Culiacàn.

"Good..yea..good.", I said. "Just that they be asking me for drugs again".

"Tell them to fuck off", Xavier said.

"They aren't like your pueblo, these guys would kill me if I said that", I said while I take out a bundle of $100, "look I don't know what to do with this like this is so much and I got it from them for giving them the Maria and Heroine".

"Use it for our concert tickets for Slash", he said.

That made my mind more clear.

"Xavi, you stupid ass you think we're able to get a visa and our tickets to estados unidos and tickets for Slash with this money? That isn't going to work out", I said.

"Cross the border and get to the other side free haha" Xavier said while he smokes his Marijuana.

That gave me an idea.

"How? If now the border is taller than years before?" I asked him.

"Get around Tijuana, or swim through it.", he said, and he wasn't high yet. Then I snatched his blunt and threw it to the ground and said, "seriously how do I cross that border?"


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