Chapter 9

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Slash hugged me and I began to cry and then Slash hugged me harder and sang, " Don't you cry tonight.", but I kept on crying. "Are you okay? Is there anything we can do for you?". He asked .
"No I'm fine, I just can't believe I'm talking to you, i have gone through a lot, lost my parents, living by myself, selling drugs, I tried to come here just to see you and I'm here, I would never thought I'd see you with my own eyes not in videos or pictures. I'm watching you with my own eyes .", I said crying even more and Slash out his beautiful top hat on my head and said, " it's okay you're here now, your dream has now come true you met me and from now today and for now on I'm going to visit you, I'll see you and help you much as I can . I'll help you get you money so you won't take drugs or sell drugs anymore . I'll give you free lessons with me . I'll do all that for you, because I never met a fan that had so much love for me and you're just a great person that you can call yourself a fan."

"Are you serious? You're going to do that all for me?! But would it be against the law here by you helping me?" I asked.
"It doesn't matter, I'll help you. It's not good for a girl like you going through this type of bullshit. You deserve better, if you want a music career I'll help you get there.", slash said while everyone in the room is listening to our conversation, then Myles enters in .
"Aye Slash, the immigration police are here they found out about them here."

"They're already in the states what can they do now?", Slash asked.

"They know they have drugs so they're going to take them. They're going to come in now! What should we do?" Myles asked.

"I'll take them somewhere if they ask where I am tell them that I went to look for Perla and the kids", Slash said to Myles while getting his jacket and keys.

"Where will you actually be?", Myles asked with fear.
"I'll be home, or at Sunset. I'll let you know." Slash said and beckon Xavier to come with us.

"Bye Stevie, I'm glad I met you", Xavier said hugging him tightly and he said bye to the rest of the members and went to me and Slash .

I said bye to everyone and hugged Myles and said,"your hair is flawless, take care of it forever okay"

Myles just stated at me weirdly but then said,"I guess so haha well take care be careful ."
"Alright." I said and left with Xavier and Slash.

We got in Slash's car I'm not sure what car was it because it was really dark . We got in and then I saw police cars in the front of the Forum and I was getting scared.

"Just stay down, Perla is going to come soon to switch cars up alright?", Slash said driving.
"Okay...", I said quietly.

Few minutes later we weren't at Inglewood anymore, we were near Hollywood, we passed the Sunset Strip and then kept on driving.
"You two can sit back up, we are almost home", Slash said
"They won't get us, will they Slash?", asked Xavier.
"They won't, don't worry, they won't", Slash said.

Few moments later we were at Slash's house, it was very nice. Xavier and I got out of the car and Slash quickly open the door to his house before anyone could see us. Perla wasn't home yet so obviously London and Cash weren't there either. We got in and just stood there not knowing what to do next.

"Go sit here while I go call Perla that we are here", Slash said and went to another room.
"I have to do this there's no other choice", slash said talking to Perla the other side on the phone.
"You can't just do that, what's wrong with you, you either take them back home or get them killed.", Perla said.
"Then how the fuck am I suppose to take them back?!", Slash asked.
"The coyotes, they can help them just you need to pay them, or just pay them the bus going back to Tijuana, and they'll go back where they started", Perla said, "I know you want to help them by letting them stay but how? The immigration police are looking for them because they have drugs, then what? We get caught because we hid them and we get arrested and they'll get killed."

Slash didn't respond, he looked back to the room where we at waiting what would happen next. Then he said," i dont know then, I can't take them back. They're getting raised by themselves well only the girl, but still we can't let them always living their lives like shit over there. They could die soon or later".

"Take them, go take them somewhere, and come back once people forget about them, maybe like a week, and let me know what happen. Rent a motel room i dont know whatever just don't get caught." Perla said over the phone.

"Don't worry about it, everything will be fine, I won't let anything happen to us or anyone". Slash said and hung up.

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