Chapter 3

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When Xavier and I were running as fast as we could, I couldn't see where I was going neither him. We ran to the fence, I didn't know what to do but the cop was behind us.

"We have to get over it, give me a lift.", I said.

Xavier gets in position to lift me up and then said, "you know this is..."

He couldn't finish his sentence, a huge white light was facing us. They found us and their dogs were barking, Xavier put more force to get me over the gate. Then he had his chance to get over till one of the cops was pulling him by his messenger bag. I was still at the top of the fence and reaching for Xavier's hand.

Xavier instead threw his bag over the gate and then climbed quickly to the top and we both got to the other side.

"Wow that was cool", he said.

"What?! We almost were going to be arrested!", I said.

"I know but you want to know what you just did", he said with a smile.

"What?", I asked while cleaning my shoes.

"We went over the border and you never even knew", he said.

"What!!", I said shoving him to the side. "You're an idiot! I wasn't ready to leave yet!"

"We got money, we have each other we just need to leave here now and go somewhere out of here", he said and then started walking straight.

I look back and then the dogs are still barking so I just ran behind Xavier.

Soon around 6:30 we stopped by a little town that I'm not sure what it was called but Xavier and I decided to go to get something to eat.

There was houses, apartments, and motels. There were also liquor stores, drug stores, and few restaurants.

We decided to go in the liquor store, and before I got inside in the corner of my eye I saw something, I wasn't sure what it was but I went inside the store instead.

"What do you want Montserrat?", Xavier asked while he was getting chips and candy.

I didn't say anything I looked at my black combat boots and said,"Nothing just get what you want, just get me a JD."

He stared at me for a few seconds and then gets me a Jack Daniels. Then he went to the register. The cashier was caucasian which Xavier tried not speaking his Spanish accent, but I saw him shaking because he didn't want to get caught.

The cashier was like his mid 30s, he was tall but not fat nor skinny, his name tag said "James". James gave Xavier a long stare and asked,"Where's your ID?".

Xavier didn't know what was an ID and he was shaking his foot because he was so scared and he said,"Um she has it", and he points at me.

Luckily I had my fake ID, both for California and Mexico in general. I dig inside my bag and take out the fake ID and have it to the cashier, James. He checks it and then he scans the items and then puts it in a black bag and then we left.

"Oh my god, I was so afraid!", Xavier said shaking.

"I know good thing you didn't fuck up..", I said and then I trip over something and fell.

"Montserrat! Are you okay?", Xavier ask trying to pick me up.

"Yeah, I just tripped over something", I said while cleaning my jeans.

"Look! You tripped over the book of Slash!", he said.

I turn around and then there I see a somewhat good condition book of Slash.

"What?", I said while picking it up.

"You tripped over it", Xavier said.

"I know that but what the fuck is this doing here?", I asked.

"I dont know", he said.

"Im going to keep it, fuck it", I said and started hugging it and put it in my messenger bag.

"I guess", Xavier said while he drinks his beer.

"where do we go?", I ask.

"Where do we go now?", Xavier sings.

"No not right now okay", I said then few moments later I start to laugh a little.

"Well we go north, till we find some people to go with.", Xavier said rubbing his eye.

"Then let's go north.", I said and started walking.


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