Chapter 4

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Few hours later we got to a city, I don't know really my cities so I don't know what was it called. Xavier and I were so tired that we decided to go somewhere to sleep.

We walk and talked how we were excited going to Los Angeles for the first time.

"Imagine we meet not only Slash we meet Axl?", said Xavier with excitement.

Axl was his favorite member of Guns n' Roses, like he liked Slash almost as I do but Axl was his main inspiration.

"Well that would be cool I guess, mostly for you.", I said.
"I can't imagine how my reaction would be if I met Axl.", Xavier said about to fangirl.. I mean fanboy haha.
"I'd be happy for you", I said with a smile and thought that not only Slash, I would meet Duff or Steven or Izzy, or Ozzy Osbourne, or Dave Grohl...etc.
"Imagining things are just fun and great till you realize it's never going to happen", I add on.
"You're right, that's why I shouldn't be having my hopes up because what if we don't even meet Axl or Slash.", Xavier said.
I couldn't respond him because someone interrupts us.

"Hello you two, are you two legalize here?", said a man that seemed like in his early 20's .

I didn't understand neither Xavier, so I said, "No."
The man gave me a stare for a moment and then called the cops, once I heard that he was calling the cops, he told us to stay where we were and Xavier and I ran.
The man didn't do anything, just some people from the area was chasing us. I kept running fast as I could. Xavier was ahead of me like about a half a mile.
I was a slow person so I couldn't get any faster, when I tried to get to my full speed someone throws me things and some other people try tripping me over with their handmade ropes that which one person would pull so they could get me instead, I jumped over and then the group of mad people all fell instead and I kept going till I got to Xavier.

"Oh my god are you okay?", asked Xavier hugging me tightly.
"Yes, I'm fine, we should just keep going before they come back for us", I said trying to breath.
Xavier let's me go and ask,"oh okay, so north right?"
I nodded.
We start walking again.

We got to San Diego, finally, near Los Angeles. I was so tired that I really wanted to sleep already. As me and Xavier were walking I just decided it was enough that I fell to the ground and knocked out completely.
Xavier carries me and makes me sleep by a pink flowered tree that had some sort of shade.

While I was sleeping, I was dreaming how I went to Slash's concert, and that when it ended, he comes up to me and hugs me out of nowhere and then he signs my book that I stole, and we take instant pictures and all that.. And that was it... I woke up.

Xavier was sleeping and I decided to dig in my bag and eat my jolly rancher that Xavier left the other day. When I checked at my shadow I knew it was time to go, so I woke up Xavier.
"It's time?", he asks.
I nodded and start walking, then out of nowhere Xavier carries me from behind and puts me on his shoulders. I was really confuse but I decided to not say anything.


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