Chapter 6

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I couldn't believe it, I just saw Axl Rose in person. He just came in alone and many people came to him for autographs, even Xavier. Xavier had the most huge smile he ever had put on. He loved Axl. After a while everyone got his autograph and pictures. A young American pushed Xavier to the ground when he was going to have his shirt signed by Axl. Then the American said,"Axl wouldn't want to sign some shirt from a crackhead Mexican". Xavier understood but he didn't give two fucks and waited till it was his turn.

When the American was done he came to me and said,"You look fine, want to come and join me?".

"What the fuck is wrong with you, you just insulted my best friend, go suck Satan's dick.", I said and walked up to Axl and Xavier.

Surprisingly, Axl didn't do anything he was calm.. Weird. Anyways, I didn't want to say anything to him till I asked him a question,"Can you tell me why you and Slash still have a disconnection from each other? Why don't you let him talk to you? It's been over 20 years".

"I'm sorry, but you need to mind you're own business, you should ask Saul that, not me". He said and walked to the cashier.

Me and Xavier just left but Xavier wouldn't stop looking back.

"Omfg, I met Axl! I met Axl!", he said with excitement.

"Yes, I know. That was so unexpecting", I said and kept walking. "We need to get to inglewood soon"

It was night, and hot. I really wanted to shower and sleep.

We went east to get to inglewood, it was already 10.


We were here around 11. It was dark and had so many apartments, and cars slowly passing. Marijuana scent, sneakers left at the internet/tv whatever you call it poles, gangsters walking around.

We were here, but we were at the wrong side of inglewood. We were at the ghetto side.

There were two sides of inglewood the good and not so good. The not so good is where we at. The good is at the forum which Slash's concert is going to be tomorrow.

We decided to sleep a little, we got under a tree and Xavier asked, "Are you excited for tomorrow?".

"Of course, who wouldn't be excited", I said taking out my last bottle of Monster.

"Don't drink that, it's late.", Xavier said trying to pull me closer to him.

"Stop putting me closer to you, I'm fine.", I said while I was being uncomfortable with Xavier.

"I'm sorry, I tried to be nice to you since the beginning because I knew I was an ass to you before", he said while pulling me closer again.

I tried getting out, "okay I get it but still stop okay and go to sleep", I said getting up.

"Where you're going?", Xavier asked.

"I'm going to the forum, I'll see you there, bye", I said and walked off

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