Chapter 7

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It was 3 AM . I was tired and hungry, I didn't know what to do because I left Xavier back there. I dont know what's wrong with me, i dont know if this is something that's bothering me, like every time I'm near Xavier I get this feeling that I've never felt before only if it's between music and drugs.

I kept walking the dark alleys of Inglewood, it didn't seem that bad till a young almost like 19 year old gangster comes up to me and asks me if I had coke.

I didn't say anything I just gave some of mine. Then he just grabs me and say, "Where are you from?"

"Mexico?", I said trying to make him let me go.

"What part?", he asked.

"Sinaloa", I answered, then he let me go and said

"Thanks for the coke, here have the rest", the guy said while giving me a bundle of $100 .

I didn't say anything and I stood there for a while till Xavier came.

Xavier: Montse , we should sleep now it's getting really late we need to sleep at least for an hour.

Me: I guess so

I decided to sleep at the side of really old tilted building, Xavier gave me his sweater even though it was fuckin summer like who the fuck needs a sweater at night but I just took it.

We slept for a while.... When I mean a while till it was already 3PM .

I woke up first, my head started pounding, I didn't know what to do so I went to a liquor store and bought some milk and sweet cakes, and a Jack Daniels. When I got out Xavier gave me a hug and said "good morning".

I didn't say anything, but like seriously it's not morning check your damn watch what time does it look like it is. It's the fuckin afternoon you dumbfuck .

I ate my food and then I decided to drink my jd's right after even though it doesn't work right me . Then I got up and smacked Xavier's head and said "Let's go, we have to be there earlier"

"But it's barely going to be 4", Xavier said

"Let's go, we need to be there earlier", I said

"You go then I'll catch up with you", he said while walking the opposite side I was going.

I walked my way .

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