Chapter 8

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It was already 5 and I waited for Xavier and for like 15 minutes later he comes and he says," you bought the tickets?"

"No not yet I was waiting for you to go in together.", I said then walked to i dont know the cashier?? (Shit i dont know my stuff excuse me)

"2 tickets for the Areosmith with Slash", I said proudly.

"May I see your ID?", the cashier (what ever tf you call it)

I took out my fake ID, and crossed my fingers hoping it doesn't fuck up.

"Hmm.. This doesn't look right but I'll still let you go in, 2 tickets for today, and that will be which seats would you like?" , the guy asked.

I had enough for the front but I wasn't sure.. So I said the front row .

"Wow you two are very lucky there were only like 4 more seats left", he said smiling. "That will be $2050 please" (yes in reality the tickets were almost that much ;-; my dad couldn't buy that for me ;( )

Once he gave us the tickets Xavier and I went in, and we saw the whole place it was awesome there were seats everywhere (duh -.- Montserrat are you stupid?) by the stage there was all the amps and everything was set people were already waiting till the concert would start.

We both were at our places at the front, and then few minutes before the concert was going to start Slash comes out and check everything out i dont know why . When I saw him I couldn't stop looking at him, my heart wouldn't stop pounding, when I saw him all the songs I've heard of him were in my mind, my dreams of him were in my mind, my life was complete I saw slash in person.

" OMG SLASH OVER HERE HI!", yelled Xavier.

Slash looked over at us and smiled and I almost lost my balance because of his smile . I started to tear up then more people came and it was time .

Aerosmith comes out first, I love Aerosmith they're so talented mostly Steven Tyler I should say everyone equally.

It was going great throughout the concert, I was actually satisfied of how great they were. Soon as the switched off they took 5 minutes to switch with Slash with Myles Kennedy with the conspirators . During those 5 minutes these random people just comes up to me and says "Why are you in our place?"

"What do you mean your place? We have been here!", Xavier said.

"We bought these seats just right now now fuck off before we call the security" they said.

They were a couple, maybe like 29-38 years old i dont know . One of them was wearing a Slash shirt and the other was wearing an Iron Maiden shirt.

The one with the slash shirt soon saw mine she says," you know slash wouldn't want a little girl like you being his fan right? He doesn't think that new fans are good enough why are you here you should go home and.."

"Actually how do you know that? In his book he said 'and to Guns N' Roses fans everywhere, old and new; without their undying loyalty and limitless patience, none of this would matter", I interrupted her, and everyone heard me and Slash was there listening to the whole conversation and then asked nicely to the couple, "here there are your seats over there i dont know why the fuck are you bothering these little ones imagine if they were your kids now fuck off or I'll call the security", he said and then looked at me.

The couple went away and Slash told me to come closer which I did and he said," I want to speak with you I'll let my securities know that you're going backstage, whisper me you and your boyfriend's name"

I gave him the weird look when he called Xavier my boyfriend but I whisper to him and then he said," alright I'll tell them to let you in after the concert is over okay?"

I nodded and then he started his show.

Everything was just perfect I can't believe that Slash is letting me go backstage with him. I haven't felt this happy before.

Throughout the concert slash would always look at me, and I would try not to tear up but every time he saw me I cried onto Xavier shoulder.

"I'm happy that you're happy today", Xavier said

"Thank you, thank you for coming with me for such a long way,", I said hugging him.

"Don't thank me thank yourself for escaping from all the bullshit from work, we are here now we are safe hopefully no one will ever find out what happen to us", Xavier said, " but I need to ask you something"

"What is it?", I asked

"Would you get mad if I were something unusual?" Xavier asked

"You're my best friend of course not. Why?" I asked,

"I'm gay.", he said then smiled "I hope you're not mad"

What the fuck ;-; I thought he was going to ask me out :-: ok

"Aww really ? That's so adorable", I said while hugging him and then mind back to Slash.

After 3 hours of the concert with Aerosmith and Slash it was awesome, in the end I went to backstage and told the securities out names and let us in.

I was so amazed how there was everyone but not Slash

"Hey do you guys know where Slash is at?", I ask all of them.

Myles did his little hair flip and then said,"oh he's coming soon he's just changing right now, here sit here" he lends me and Xavier a seat.

We say down and then Xavier became to be his actual normal self to me it was so strange.


I was getting creeped out because of Xavier.

"So where you two from", asked Joe Perry.

"Sinaloa, Mexico" I said.

"Wait did you come here only by you two?", asked Myles.

"Yes, we crossed the border, we came to see Slash because I didn't think that he would come to Mexico so I came here. Then we met Axl along the way here." I said.

"You met Axl?", Slash comes out and asked.

I nodded.

"Hm, how are you going to get back home?" He asked.

"I dont know, I have no idea, me and Xavier haven't planed about going back even though we need to.", I said.

"You're a fan of mine huh? You stated what I said in my book." Slash asked.

"I guess you can say, I just found the book few days ago, i found it on the floor", I said

"Want me to sign it?", slash asked

"YES" I said and took out the book and gave it to him and then he signed it and put his number.

"If you ever need to talk just call me alright?", he said with a smile.

"Thank you", I said

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