Chapter 2

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Xavier stood there and said," Montserrat I don't know, you have to be slick to get there cause you can get caught by la Migra."

"What do you mean?", I said. I knew what la Migra would do and what can I go through but I wonder what would happen if I we're pass that border to the United States.

"All I'm going to say is we have to go at night, be slick and one thing, if you want to go see Slash... Never look back, ever", said Xavier. I thought he was high but he was serious.

Our bus break was over and we got back inside. I got to my seat and started thinking and took out my composition notebook and wrote down plans of what I would do to get to Los Angeles. Then Xavier turns and sees what I'm listing and he says,"Making plans isn't going to take you anywhere, you need to do it freestyle".

"Why?", I asked.

"Because plans always gets wrong, you need to be doing it what you think at the time.", Xavier said.

"And why should I listen to you?", I asked.

"Cause I have went to the other side of the border in my life", he said then he starts to stretch.

"You never told me this..why.. I though we were suppose to tell each other everything..", I said while I tried not to lose my anger on him.

"Cause this happened the day when they died and you know I don't like to talk about that..", he said and he was about to tear up.

Xavier never cried, when sad things happen he never cries he just forgets about it. Now that he's crying is making me feel so scared because he just never does this.

"Oh..but why didn't you tell me that it took place there when you told me about them dying", I said.

"Montserrat leave it, just fuck it, it doesn't even matter anymore it's the fuckin past, it hurts but you just got to let it be", he said and took out his Vodka.

"Then, how do I get over that border?", I asked.

"Just go over it as fast as you can. Just don't ever look back.", he said.

I nodded.

"Do you want to come with me?", I asked.

"Of course if it's about you and Slash than yes!", he said with a smile that you can see his deep dimples on each side.

"When should we go then", I asked.

"Whenever but at night, maybe next week", said Xavier.

"Next week is when Slash has his concert", I said and pat his head that I felt his dandruff from his black hair.

"Well then soon this week.. I have to get my things ready then", he said. "I'll also get stuff for you just bring the belongings you need to get there okay?"

"Okay.", I said.

11 PM .

We finally got to our destination. I was getting tired but I had to work, and Xavier had to help me with certain boxes cause I'm too weak to carry huge boxes.

So while we were getting to the drug store.. I forgot to mention that I work at a drug dealing store.

"Montserrat, can we please sleep for a while?", asked Xavier walking slowly.

"We can't, we have to work, at least to get money to leave this shit and go to the states.", I said while taking out the keys to the store.

As I go in I turn on the lights and there's nothing on any shelves. Nothing in the cabinets, there's no boxes, it's just empty.

"Xavier! Everything Is gone!", I said.

Then I turned around and Xavier is sleeping on the counter. Next to him was a note, it was folded and had coffee stains.

I push Xavier to the floor and got the note/letter.


You have to leave out of the store NOW! The government of Mexico found out that you and Humberto were under aged workers. They are going to come by the time you finish this letter. Just to tell you that I left you two your last payment around the border. Wish you luck in life and be careful .

~ W. Guzman .

W. Guzman was our boss, I have worked for him ever since I was 8. He was a very short old man that had some sexual contact to me. That's why I brought Xavier(Humberto) to work with me. At first Guzman didn't like Xavier because he know that I brought him because of the situation, he doesn't know anything of Xavier's life style.

Xavier gets up and says,"what was that for"

"Shut up, we need to get out of here", I said getting my bag.

"five more minutes", he said.

"Que five minutes ni madre", I said and got his hair and pulled him outside.

"Ow bitch stop!", he said.

"Than hurry the fuck up and we can be saved before the fucking government comes", I said.

"Before we go I have something to give you", said Xavier taking out something out of his neon green backpack.

I stood there upset, and then he takes out 3 posters of Slash, and World On Fire album.

"Stupid ass how did you get these?", I said.

"Benjamin", he said with a huge smile.

"How did he get it?", I asked and stared at the album.

"He just preordered it for you well for me but I wanted to give it to you.", he said.

"Oh my god Xavier I..", i tried to finish my sentence, but then some one interrupted me.

"You two.. Montserrat and Humberto?", asked a man that was wearing a cop suit.

I didn't say anything I got Xavier's hand and ran.


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