chapter ten

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s h a n e

a/n: sorry it's so short. don't forget to vote n comment!

a week later, i had fallen even further for ryland. it was a full blown, i'm-obsessed-with-your-face crush. as well as spending time with him at school, we hung out every night in my room, watching netflix and youtube for hours on end.

i was having one of those nights when you just couldn't settle. exhausted from the week, i'd fallen asleep at around 9pm (ryland went to watch his sister at a gym competition so we couldn't hang out), and therefore i'd woken up at 3am, slipping in and out of nightmares and sleep paralysis.

it was four in the morning when i gave up on any hopes of drifting off again. as quietly as i could, i climbed out of bed and slid open my window. peering out, it was clear that ryland was asleep. despite his window being wide open, the curtains were swishing slightly from the early morning breeze, revealing a pitch black room. the sun was a fading dusk, soon to become a bright morning sky.

i changed my clothes from boxers and a big t-shirt, instead wearing ripped blue jeans and a mustard-yellow sweater that fell around mid-thigh, extremely oversized as the tips of my fingers swum in the sleeves, yet still cute. i brushed my hair so it looked acceptable, quickly cleaning my teeth and face.

with a deep breath of confidence, i leaned forward and gripped onto his window frame, swiftly swinging myself through as my bare feet sunk into the fluffy cream carpet of ryland's bedroom. creeping towards his bed, i refrained myself from swooning at how sweet he looked. his eyes were fluttering with sleep as he stirred slightly, hair messy and beautiful.

'ryland.' i whispered, shaking his shoulder slightly. he didn't respond, and i took the opportunity to glance at him for a few more seconds before repeating his name.

this time, i got a reply from him. he stretched and slowly opened his eyes, jumping back in shock when he saw me but relaxing once his eyes came into focus. 'shane?' he glanced at the clock, 'it's four am. what the fuck, are you okay?' his voice was thick with sleep as he sat up in confusion, his shirtless upper body on display.

'just... struggling to sleep tonight. i wondered if you wanted to hang out. i'm sorry it's so early, it's just... nightmares and shit.' i mumbled, instantly regretting waking him up.

'don't be sorry.' ryland whispered to me, wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me into a hug. his bare chest brushed against me as he nuzzled my neck, full of sleep. i froze as i felt his soft lips on my forehead, just above my eye. 'you can sit here and i'll get ready, okay?' he suggested, stretching.

i was flabbergasted at how amazing he was. what kind of guy meets someone a week ago yet still wakes up at four am to hang out with them? blushing a little, i replaced him in bed as switched on his bedside lamp, lighting the room with a orange glow as he walked over to his chest of drawers.

i purposefully looked away as he got changed, but snuck a quick glance at him when he wasn't looking. he was so sleepy, he probably didn't even realise that i'd just seen him in his boxers, his toned body now covered with black skinny jeans and a baggy black v-neck. running to the bathroom, he brushed his teeth and splashed his face with water as i snuggled into his duvet,  before he finally returned with a grin.

'so, dawson, you've woken me up at four... this better be fucking good.' he smirked, following me out of his window and into mine. i winked in reply as we tiptoed down my staircase, not making a sound as we shut and locked the front door behind us.

i actually had already planned out what we were doing, but i kept that to myself as we walked the short five minute distance to our destination. we finally reached the big building, an abandoned warehouse, and i grabbed ryland's hand to guide him up the ladder along the side of the outer wall, ignoring his constant questioning about what was happening.

once we were at the top of the building, the sun was peeking at the horizon as i pulled myself onto the cool tarmac. we had a perfect view of the town, breathtakingly beautiful.

'holy shit.' ryland exclaimed once he joined me, taking in the warm sun which reflected on his skin and caused an orange glow. we rested on our palms, leaning back and watching the flaming orb climb higher up the sky.

i'm not sure whether it was the exhilaration of our parents thinking we were in bed, or whether it was that the morning light made his face glow, but ryland looked so gorgeous. like a model, or a movie star. i couldn't get over the crinkles by his eyes when he smiles, or how he would look at me like i was this amazing thing when in reality i wasn't.

at some point, i'm not when, i stopped looking at the sun, instead studying ryland's face as he stared out into the sunset. his hands were still scarred red with small half moons, but they were healing. it seemed as though my touch made a difference maybe.

i really wanted to kiss him.

sure, it was a bit soon; we've known each other for two weeks, but what do i have to lose? well, apart from him. i felt myself edging closer, but flinched away when he spoke.

'can i lean against you? i'm sleepy since you woke me up.' he mumbled, giving me this beautifully innocent smile. of course, i nodded and moved my legs into a v shape. he sat between them, leaning his back against my stomach as i took his hands in mine and wrapped my arms around him. i rested my chin on his shoulder, head in the crook of his neck, and marvelled at how beautifully the world was treating me.

'thank you, shane.' ryland whispered as he drifted off, snuggling into my lap as i rested against them roof top and fell slowly in love.

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