chapter fourteen

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a/n: guys!! the stats on 'bad boy' are crazy right now! i've gained like four thousand reads in the last few days, i think wattpad has put it as a suggested book for those who read youtube fic? we're #2 trending under the tag "shane" and #11 under "shanedawson" which is so cool! thank you, ily.

'at least you don't have a full blown plaster cast.' i suggested, staring at his bandage wrist. ryland gave me a weak smile, tucking a strand of hair, one of those tiny auburn curls, behind my ear.

we were currently both under the fluffy blanket in my bedroom, his head on my shoulder as i held him closely to me. he'd been given the day off school today by the principle, and my mom had let me skip as i "had a sore stomach", yet in reality i just wanted to look after him.

i snuck a look at him, but his eyes were closed as we laid on the bed, both heads on the one pillow. 'what did your parents say when you got home yesterday? i heard shouting.' ryland hadn't came round for our usual netflix and youtube marathon last night, and i didn't really expect him to since he got hurt but i still worried.

he sighed and snuggled further into the crook of my neck. 'that wasn't about me. well, i mean, they're not happy that i got beaten up, but that's not why they were shouting. everything's about my sister at the moment.' ryland said quietly, hands fumbling with my sweater. his palms were raw from his fingernails after yesterday.

his own outfit was ever so pretty. simple, yes, but beautiful. he wore black adidas sports sweatpants, along with a black t-shirt which had a topless harry styles situated on the front. his hair was adorable, styled into a messy quiff that made it look like he'd just gotten out of bed. he practically had, and was now in mine.

'what d'you mean?' i asked, chewing my lip.

'she's best friends with the son of the man who shut down my fathers company. they're trying to control who she's friends with, just because burns cooperative was a stronger rival firm.'

i nodded, assuming her friend was bobby burns, a year nine boy. he seemed cool, pretty fit and athletic, probably enough to look out for her and be a good friend. i'm guessing that's why ryland was so chilled about it; normally older brothers are over protective of their sisters.

we didn't do much for the rest of the day, just relaxing and watching television. he would make comments every now and then, resting against me as i stared sadly at his damaged wrist. it was only sprained, and could be removed from the bandage within a week, but it still sucked.

ryland had called his parents and asked if he could sleep round mine, and despite much hesitation due to his state, we passed the phone over to my mother, who managed to convince them to let him stay. we cheered once the phone had been hung up, thanking my mom and being told that supper would be in an hour. i gave my mom a cheerful grin, which she happily returned with a wry smile as we walked up the stairs.

eventually, at around 10pm, after we'd eaten dinner and watched the new episode of drag race, ryland drifted off, nestled under my duvet. i laid on top of the blanket, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath he had taken. it was difficult to sleep sometimes, and it was far too early for me anyway, so i stuck my headphones into my macbook and watched netflix for a few hours, not really focusing on what i was viewing.

at around midnight, ryland stirred, tugging my sleeves to gain my attention as he pulled out my earbuds. 'i'm hot.' he sleepily mumbled, rubbing his eyes. well, that was no secret, i thought and smirked to myself as he shuffled with the bottom of his t-shirt.

'can you take my shirt off for me? my wrist...' he whispered, voice an octave lower from not speaking for so long.


'um- well- i, um, sure?' i stuttered, switching on the tiny lamp on my side table and igniting the room with a soft yellow glow. he muttered his thanks underneath his breath, sitting up and pulling back the covers.

for some reason, my heart was beating like crazy as i gently took the hem of his t-shirt with both hands, pulling the black fabric upwards, exposing his skin inch by inch. my breath hitched when i reached his torso, trying not to marvel at his toned chest and abs, coughing to cover up my shock.

my lower lip got caught under my teeth as he lifted his arms up for me to remove the shirt, his chest tensing. it felt like he was teasing me, unintentionally of course, as i tugged the whole top away. i finally revealed his whole upper body, gently pulling the cotton over his head. he blinked for a few seconds, before giving me this gorgeous, lazy smile and falling back onto the pillows.

ryland seemed to of gone back to sleep within half a minute, so i crawled under the duvet next to him, still in a sweater and shorts, setting my phone on the nightstand.

'shane?' he whispered into the dark. clearly he was not asleep, instead just laying there peacefully with his eyes closed. he looked pretty either way.

'yeah?' i replied, turning on my side to face him. my hand accidentally brushed against his naked stomach and i froze slightly, staring into his eyes.

slowly, he rolled closer to me so our faces were inches apart, throwing one of his legs over mine as a small smile sat on his lips, his hands gripping onto my sweater. not many seconds had passed before he nestled his head in between my chin and where my heart lay.

we fit perfectly together,
almost like jigsaw.

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