Back to the Stars (IanxJason)

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I don't know what I'm doing anymore.. I seriously apologize for the shitty quality of this chappy.. (I forgot, uh... requested by lionwithattitude ) But I said I'd get a chapter out this weekend and I fucking will... I've been banned from my electronics so I have to post before I get home... Have an amazing day/night kits~! And don't do anything stupid like I did XDD I'll get around to the other requests soon tho!!


Ssundee x Jason..

Jason's POV:

"Thanks again for helping me fix my rocket Ssundee..." I say, grinning nervously at my hybrid friend behind my helmet... He chuckles "Again Jase, you can call me Ian." I blush furiously, glad he can't see through my helmet... "O-o-okay Ian.... Thanks..?" He smiles and says "no problem, You did agree that if I helped I'd get to visit with you~!" I grin happily... finishing up my section... "Okay, I'm all set over here..." Ian huffs in annoyance.... "Well... I'm not too sure about how to tell if I did it right..." I walk over, leaning down to investigate as he steps back to give me space... "Well.. It all looks pretty good... Probably better than mine... I'm not an engineer, but I do know the basic repairs...." I look back to find him blushing with a nervous grin on his face... "Aw... thanks dude.... So, we grab our stuff and get ready for launch..??" I shrug... "Sure... but we should tell the others first..." He laughs and agrees... Walking out of the ship with a yell of "I'll grab my stuff and be back to tell the guys~!" I smile softly, closing the panel... I walk out as well, loading some of my earth stuff onto the ship... Then I take a short shower before walking back to Sky's castle.. "Hey Guys~!" I chime, stepping into the 'meeting room'... Though I swear it's more like a toy room... As we never really do anything... The plans are made by the generals under us... We just tweak them and take the credit for the ideas.... In exchange the generals make more money... Everyone's running around screaming at one another or playing on electronics... I stare for a long moment as Ty tries to convince Simon to do something the other man clearly didn't want to do... Judging by the angry yelling.... Then ian steps in behind me... "You want me to shut 'em up?" I nod... Covering my ears as he takes a deep breath...

"EvErYbOdY sIt DoWn AnD sHuT tHe FuCk Up!!! JaSe HaS aN aNnOuNcEmEnT!!!!"

he screeches, his voice slightly Derp-like from the loud yelling... I wince slightly, but everyone else jumps, freezing and looking at us.. I nervously cough.. "So.. uhh.. Ian and I finished the space ship... And uh.. Since he wants to go with me we'll be back in uh... 5 days or so?? Maybe more if my home planet is having problems...." All of them nervously nod, I glance over to see Ian with a slightly creepy smile on his face... oh... I wave, pulling the other out before he can hurt Simon and Bodil for going back to playing on their phones... Ian quickly brightens up when we get into the rocket... Changing and sitting down as I mess with the controls, locking down the rocket and setting up for launch...
"Be prepared for launch... We'll be launching in 10. 9. 8.-"
The engines start up and I blush furiously, realizing I'll have to sit in Ian's lap as it's a one person ship despite the large size... I nervously sit on his lap, the ship instantly buckling us in so there's no chance of me standing back up until we're in orbit... I can hear Ian let out a confused squeak of a grunt... His body tensing in shock under me... "S-sorry Ian... I forgot there was only one seat..." I manage... He sighs and says "It's fine Jase... May as well get comfy..." Then the rocket actually blasts off, forcing my body to press tightly back against Ian's my helmet making a little chink sound as it smacks the side of his borrowed helmet, making me breathe uncomfortably as the speed forces my head to tip back so Ian's head is in the crook of my neck... It really doesn't help the situation that I can practically feel his breath against my neck despite knowing I actually can't... The thick space suit prevents it...

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